PLUS: Morrison and Millar’s run gets new collection…
Flash Fact: DC has two classic collections starring Wally West coming in April 2024 — The Flash by William Messner-Loebs and Greg LaRocque Omnibus Vol. 1 and The Flash by Grant Morrison and Mark Millar: The Deluxe Edition.
Dig the official descriptions, from online listings:
The mysterious power known as the Speed Force is an energy field that has, over the centuries, granted incredible powers of velocity to certain heroes.
The most famous of these is the Flash, also known as the Fastest Man Alive. Ever since the days of World War II, there has been a man clad in red who can run at impossible speeds, using his power to save lives and defend those who cannot defend themselves. All between the ticks of a second.
The Flash has mastery over not just speed, but time itself, and he has often used his powers to travel though different eras and even into other dimensions. Although the Flash has not always been fast enough to outrun personal tragedy when it has come for him, he always does his best to prevent the same from happening to the people of Central City and Keystone City. In so doing, he’s earned himself a spot among the greatest Super Heroes the DC Universe has ever known.
Confined to a wheelchair after a run-in with the mystery villain known only as The Suit, how can The Flash protect Keystone City from evil run amok?
Plus, The Flash is forced to represent Earth in an cosmos-spanning race against an alien being called Krakkl!
Writers Grant Morrison and Mark Millar put their distinctive mark on the Scarlet Speedster in this run on THE FLASH from issues #130-141, plus the crossover issues GREEN ARROW #130 and GREEN LANTERN #96!
A few thoughts:

Messner-Loebs and LaRocque’s first issue
— I’m curious why the Flash Omnibus is cover-credited only to Messner-Loebs and LaRocque. I’m sure they make up the bulk of the volume but the series itself was launched by Mike Baron, Butch Guice and co. and that placeholder promo image is from 1987’s Issue #1 (by Guice and original series inker Larry Mahlstedt). The original team was on the book for 14 issues and an annual. Omnibi and other collections often use this type of naming convention but it is odd considering that the original team had a healthy run that set Wally West’s new paradigm. (The listing does not include any issue numbers, so there’s no light shed there.)
— Anyway, the 904-page omnibus lists for $125 and is due April 16, 2024.
— The 1990s Morrison-Miller stories (with art by Paul Ryan, Pop Mhan and others) have been collected before but I believe only in standard paperback, as opposed to the larger Deluxe Edition hardcover. The 352-pager lists for $49.99 and is due April 9, 2024.
— Standard caveat: These have not been formally solicited by DC yet — at least as far as I can tell — so anything can change. (Even then, it can still change.) Keep coming to 13th Dimension for updates.
— THE FLASH #105: First Issue of BARRY ALLEN’s Original Series to Get FACSIMILE EDITION. Click here.
August 5, 2023
I’m currently re-reading the post-COIE Flash series (currently at #23) and man, I’d forgotten how immature Wally could be during this period! Messner-Loebs’ work is a real treat–IMO he was a perfect fit for this title and if memory serves it was one of my favorites during his run.
August 5, 2023
Just speculating, but Mike Baron has become a bit of a lightning rod, politically, so maybe DC doesn’t want to promote him, knowing there’s a pretty strong contingent of fans who have issues with his politics.
August 6, 2023
I highly doubt that, and I’d be very careful about ascribing political motivations when we do not have the facts. DC reprints Chuck Dixon’s material all the time with full credit and Chuck has conservative views. Please let’s not jump to conclusions.
August 6, 2023
I was not jumping to conclusions.
August 6, 2023
That was not a rebuke. I just don’t want to speculate about the politics. After some important lessons learned, I try to keep this a chill, politics-free zone. Thanks for understanding!
August 6, 2023
Totally understand, thank you for explaining!
August 6, 2023
Groovy, my friend.
August 5, 2023
I sure hope that isn’t the case. I’m not a fan of the woke cancel culture so I may have to check out his recent work. I see he’s got some stuff out with Broderick.