Taco de Ojo means “to get an eyeful” in Spanish, and is generally used to refer to checking someone out. The creators are re-appropriating the term to “refer to images which provide food for thought: stories which spill off the page and continue to grow in the subconscious long after you have put our book down.”
There’s a wide range of styles and formats; sequential art, single panel cartoons, illustrations, collage, mixed media, prose, and poetry. Many have English translations. The anthology features over 70 collaborators. At times, Taco de Ojo reminded me of a Latino version of Art Speigelman’s groundbreaking Raw Magazine.
8.5 x 11IN, Red & Black Ink, printed on 125g matte paper, hand-sewn and expertly bound.
Email: latinotoons@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LatinoToons
Check out the Taco de Ojo Indiegogo campaign: