Reading the supertea leaves…

DC’s promo image
The biggest story so far this year in these parts was last week’s announcement that DC will be producing comics miniseries based on the worlds of the 1978 Superman and 1989 Batman movies. Click here to read all about it — and check out the various features we’ve published about the projects.
Anyway, we may have our first clue as to what villain will be in writer Robert Venditti and Wilfredo Torres’ Superman ’78 — as well as apparent confirmation that DC will be using Margot Kidder’s likeness in the series.
Dig this:
… and this:
Yep, that’s Bizarro — which Torres posted on Twitter this week with the note: “Monday’s are the best!! So relaxing! #Superman78 #Bizarro“.
I tweeted back, asking if that was a hint, which he “liked” — though that could mean anything: could be a warm-up piece, could be a fun troll, could be he was just being nice… oh, who knows but it’s fun to speculate. (Even if Bizarro is indeed in the book, I’d wager that he wouldn’t be the only bad guy.)
And then on Wednesday evening, Torres tweeted the Superman/Lois shot with the line “Superman and also Lois #process #Superman78“.
That is definitely Margot Kidder’s Lois, folks. (Oh, and cute wink by Torres with a line that references the overnight TV sensation Superman and Lois.)
Now, it was already highly likely that DC had acquired Kidder’s likeness rights but there was no specific mention of her in last week’s announcement. And this isn’t 100 percent confirmation either because, again, this could be prelim work — for example, Torres also recently tweeted a Clark/Lois scene he drew emulating a sequence from Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut.
Still, I’ll eat my cape if she’s not in the book.
Anyway, with fans thirsting for any info on these projects, these are fun to chew over — even if they just show off Torres’ mad skills.
— SUPERMAN ’78 and BATMAN ’89 Comics Coming From DC. Click here.
February 25, 2021
Anything is possible for this upcoming series, so I’ll continue to keep my eyes peeled.
February 25, 2021
That Bizarro definitely has the body language of Reeve’s “Jerk Superman” from Superman 3.
March 2, 2021
Looking forward to this a lot. Of course, the real dream project for me would be a Wonder Woman ’77 crossover.