SNEAK PEEK: An Anniversary Tribute to ARCHIE’s SUPERHEROES

Everyone’s a hero…

The hallmark of a great comic is how adaptable it is to other formats. Archie is a classic example: Married Archie? Check. Future Archie? Check? Little Archie? Check. Dead Archie? Even that!

My fave, though, is Superhero Archie, when the gang gets to put on the spandex and patrol the mean streets of Riverdale.

Well, if that’s your jam too, you’re in luck. Coming May 19 is Archie & Friends: Superheroes #1 — the latest 80th Anniversary one-shot that collects new and classic stories from the digests.

Dig this EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW — featuring guest appearances by MLJers Bob Phantom and Blackjack!

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. OK first of all Pureheart standing on a lidless box of comics? Jughead sitting on a lidless box? They’d be run out of any respectable comic con or comic store. And that gown that Veronica is wearing. It’s slit on the right, it’s slit on the left, it’s slit up the front. And according to one pose the slit goes to the waist. What was Mr. Lodge thinking letting her wear that in public?

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  2. ACP’s TWO LAMEST HEROES in this special (and at least two of these stories were already printed in the Digests!) “Bob Phantom” and “Black Jack”? ACP has about a dozen good heroes, and we get these two?

    But There’s even a lamer one, “Red Rube” which was ACP (Well, MLJ) rip off of Captain Marvel (The real one) That they never revived since the mid-1940’s! Ran in the last few issues of one of the anthologies with Steel Sterling.

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