RON MARZ’s Favorite Spider-Man Story

 For SPIDER-MAN WEEK, we’ve asked some of comics’ top creators to pick their favorite Spidey tales. Kicking things off is Ron Marz with a famous story, and an interesting twist:


Amazing Spider-Man #33: Growing up, I found this issue in a musty cardboard box in our basement, along with a bunch of other classic Marvel books. I gravitated to this one because of the famous “buried under the rubble” sequence, which blew my 5- or 6-year-old mind. That scene, with Ditko’s beautiful storytelling and illustration, perfectly sums up Spider-Man to me. More than that, it sums superhero comics in general for me: The hero faces impossible odds, but never gives up because others are in danger, and ultimately triumphs.

I love that sequence so much, I homaged it the one and only time I was lucky enough to work with the great Gil Kane, in Green Lantern #81.

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Ron Marz is a veteran comic-book writer perhaps best known for his work on Green Lantern. His most recent work includes Edgar Rice Burroughs’ The Mucker.

Author: 13th Dimension

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