And it’s as great as you remember it.
My mother wouldn’t let me have Crazy Foam.
“Daniel,” she would say. “It’s just soap. And it’s expensive.”
“It’s not just soap, Mom,” I would counter. “It’s foam that spews forth from a superhero’s mouth.”
That’s only a rough approximation of the debate but you get the idea. I think she may have relented once or twice but the best thing about being an “adult” now is not having to worry about such bargaining.
Look, ma! No limitations!
And it’s a good thing too, because Crazy Foam is back! A Boston guy named Josh Fink — clearly a dude after my heart — has revived the classic bath product, so I can scrub up nice and clean with a little help from Batman and Wonder Woman (or the Joker or Superman).
I even shaved with it! Because grown-ups shave! (Though you’re not gonna see that in this video. I do have limits.)
Crazy Foam right now comes in three varieties — Classic DC, featuring the four characters mentioned above in art that resembles the original; Modern DC, with Green Lantern, WW, Supes, Bats and the Flash; and Looney Tunes. It’s available online and in some stores, like Kroger. It’s about $6 a can.
Good, clean fun!
I would be remiss, however, if I didn’t note that the company — which aspirationally calls itself Crazy Foam International — hasn’t produced Robin yet. That’s too bad because they really need to replicate that off-model logo you’d see only on the can and in the sloppily rendered animation of the time.
Oh, and Marvel would be great! I want Spidey and the Hulk in the shower with me!

From the awesome Plaid Stallions!
Even though I rarely, if ever, had Crazy Foam as a kid, it still scratches that nostalgia itch. It’s not just remembering the commercials, or indulging in something once denied me. I think it’s also that my very earliest Bat-toys included a set of Batman and Robin soaky bottles that used to make Bat-htime lots of fun.
Holy Sigmund Freud!
Now, if only the new Underoos came in my size …