Harvey’s looking pretty blue…
DC’s solicitations are out and here’s the latest on Batman ’89:
(Oh, and if you want the latest on Superman ’78 — and you do — click here.)

Main cover by Joe Quinones
BATMAN ’89 #2
Writers: SAM HAMM
Variant Cover: MITCH GERADS
$3.99 US | 32 PGS | 2 of 6 | $4.99 US VARIANT (Card Stock)
ON SALE 9/14/21
A showdown in Burnside leaves both Batman and the Gotham borough reeling. As the community rallies together behind Harvey Dent, can Bruce find a way forward for both Batman and the city?
A few thoughts:
— The Mitch Gerads variant cover hasn’t been released yet.
— Burnside! More evidence we’ll see Batgirl.
— Dig the graffiti behind Two-Face: Finger, Burton, O’Neil and Hamm are among the names, along with Kane on a ripped-off poster.
— Seen Jerry Ordway’s Batman ’89 #1 variant cover yet? No? Click here.
— REVEALED! Superman Teams Up With Lex Luthor in SUPERMAN ’78 #2. Click here.
— The SUPERMAN ’78/BATMAN ’89 Comic Book Index. Click here.
June 18, 2021
That’s one awesome cover!
June 18, 2021
Nice design with the shadow bisecting his face… pretty cool.
June 18, 2021
Yes, that’s a great cover design, with the negative space of the Bat-Signal giving us a Harvey who looks completely removed from Two-Face, wardrobe wise. Very clever, and I kind of felt like all such tricks had been done with the character. Can’t wait!