PLUS: Fancy re-colored pages from Lee and Kirby’s X-Men #1!

Cover for the Vol. 1 trade paperback
The first volume of X-Men: Grand Design — cartoonist Ed Piskor’s project distilling the first 300 issues or so of X-Men into a single, seamless narrative — is out this week in a funky, almost Treasury-sized trade paperback.
Just as cool is the news officially coming today that the second part of the series — X-Men: Grand Design, Second Genesis — will kick off in July. Like the first installment, it’ll be broken up into two single issues — out 7/25 and 8/29 — then collected later. A name and pub date for the third and final volume has yet to be announced.
Oh, and one more thing:
The Volume 1 collection features a reprint of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s X-Men #1 — recolored by Piskor. Here’s a SNEAK PEEK:
— ED PISKOR Picks His Favorite X-Men Stories. Click here.
— GRAND DESIGN: Ed Piskor Talks Claremont and Classic X-MEN. Click here.
— 13 X-MEN COVERS to Make You Feel Good. Click here.