Opening for Jack Kirby on the LES

Last night the Kirby Museum launched its week long exhibit to honor Jack Kirby in the neighbor where he grew up.

178 Delancey St.

178 Delancey St.

Long known by Kirby aficionados of his disdain for the LES (Lower East Side), nonetheless the old neighborhood welcomed him back with a brightly lit storefront setting, not far from his place of birth and several residences according to city records. Curator Rand Hoppe directed visitors to a map showing several residences of  Kirby and his family, back when his name was Jacob Kurtzberg.


The exhibit featured giclee prints of original works, reproduced to their original size. The quality of the reproductions were so detailed that the brush strokes of the white out and xacto knife cuts could be be clearly seen as if viewing the original piece.

Visitors flip through and compare various stages of art.

Visitors flip through and compare various stages of art.

Visitors can flip through reproductions of the sketch, the final inked piece, and then the final product to see the different stages of comic creation.

Giclee reproductions of the King's creations.

Giclee reproductions of the King’s creations.

Visitors enjoyed a unique way of viewing Kirby's art.

Visitors enjoyed a unique way of viewing Kirby’s art.

There’s lectures scheduled for several of the days the show — check for details. Hail to the King!


Author: 13th Dimension

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