By the Eye of Agamotto, it’s due this fall…

Steve Ditko
If Doctor Strange’s spells and incantations are your thing — and why wouldn’t they be, O magical readers — the you are in for a real treat this fall with the release of Doctor Strange: The Book of the Vishanti:
The book is due out from Marvel and Abrams ComicArts on Nov. 30, according to a listing on the Edelweiss+ book-market catalogue website.
Info is scarce beyond that but dig these sample pages:
A few thoughts:

The book’s first appearance, from 1963’s Strange Tales #116, by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko
— The hardcover is listed for $29.99 at 160 pages. If you notice in the image above the page numbers reach at least 299. So either A) the listing is wrong or B) the book is an “excerpted version” since the volume in the comics has thousands of pages.
— It’s most likely B, because this is all in fun anyway. (See, the Book of the Vishanti doesn’t really exist. But you knew that.)
— This isn’t the first time we’ve seen a Book of the Vishanti “prop”: Hasbro put out a five action-figure set some years ago that was in a box designed to look like the book. It even included an Eye of Agamotto. Click here to check it out. It’s pretty groovy.
— Standard caveat: This has not been solicited by Marvel yet so nothing is official until it’s official. On the other hand, it may not even go that route. Either way, it’s not even on Amazon yet. Regardless, just keep coming to 13th Dimension for updates.
— REVIEW: Hasbro’s DOCTOR STRANGE SDCC Exclusive Set is Far Out. Click here.
— THEY’RE BACK! Classic MARVEL Black Light Posters Revived for 2021. Click here.
March 8, 2021
It’s the “Repaginated Version”.
March 8, 2021