She was a comics pioneer…

Art by Marie Severin
Marie Severin, a Marvel mainstay and one of the few women working in mainstream comics in the Silver and Bronze Ages, has died at the age of 89, according to her friend, writer Irene Vartanoff. (Click here.)
Severin’s birthday was just last week and if you’d like to see our 13 COVERS tribute, click here.
— 13 COVERS: A MARIE SEVERIN Birthday Salute: 2016 Edition. Click here.
— 13 COVERS: A MARIE SEVERIN Birthday Salute: 2015 Edition. Click here.
— Mirthful MARIE SEVERIN Pays Tribute to JACK KIRBY. Click here.
August 30, 2018
I’m so sorry to hear about Ms. Severin’s death. May she rest in peace.
August 31, 2018
I came across a book just a few years ago in the toy isle of a department store when I was with my children. It was kind of a Marvel compendium done in a younger kid way. Inside it there was a big spread of all these Marvel characters; villains and heroes done in a bronze age style like I had first encountered them. There was the Scorpion, Jackal, Mysterio, Spider-Man all hiding amongst this maze like background. It was so clever, so well done, so intricate. It was kind of like “Where’s Waldo” for Marvel heroes. I picked up the book and marveled at it – noting that this would go over most people’s heads, let along the kids the book was designed for. I was (still am) almost sure it was Marie Severin. At any rate, I remember thinking it was an example of the kind of thing she was usually not recognized for enough. She was underappreciated. RIP.