Hi, Comic Friends!

Sean Von Gormanq
Another great week full of amazing comics! Some I couldn’t wait for and others I wasn’t so sure about. It is so nice to be surprised by books you aren’t sure you are going to like. So, instead of making you guess what I mean, let’s get to it!
My first pick is Infamous Iron Man #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev and Matt Hollingsworth. Bendis is usually hit or miss with me and I was SO hoping to love this book but just wasn’t sure. However, this was a hit. It made me literally laugh out loud at one point and gasp at another. I think this may have some spoilers in it from Civil War II that haven’t been revealed yet, but regardless, I really enjoyed this issue. However, I really wish Marvel would think ahead when they do these big events. Get the event finished, then let the ashes fall where they may.
After reading Waypoint a few weeks ago, I was pretty sure another Star Trek book wouldn’t make the list. But I was wrong. Star Trek: Boldly Go #1 by Mike Johnson and Tony Shasteen from IDW is phenomenal. If you like the new Star Trek movies (or really, any Star Trek) as much as I do, this comic is for you. Johnson really gets Star Trek in the best way and the art from Shasteen is amazing. I didn’t have to think who was who — it was completely obvious. The “OH MY GOSH” moment on the last page still has me smiling and anxiously awaiting the next issue! Between this and Waypoint, I am really loving the new Star Trek books from IDW!
A super fun read is Marvel’s Mighty Thor #12 by Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman. If you ever wondered about the origin of Mjolnir then you need to read this issue. It seems that Mjolnir not only has a mind of its own, but is rather headstrong and picky. Even if you haven’t picked up Mighty Thor yet, read this issue. Then go ahead and get the trades.
Lightning Round! And what a group: Lion Forge’s trade paperback Night Trap from Cullen Bunn, JB Bastos and Robby Bevard is super creepy and super awesome! It’s a (night) trap! Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye by Gerard Way, Jonathan Rivera and Michael Avon Oeming is crazy fun. And finally, Green Arrow #9 by Benjamin Percy and Juan Ferreyra. I am so loving this series and this Part 2 of Island of Scars does not disappoint! And I can’t wait for Ben Percy’s James Bond! (Plus, keep an eye out for an interview I did with him on Teen Titans.)
For this week’s commentary, I am writing about Wonder Woman.
This week was WONDER WOMAN WEEK (click here) and all of us at 13th Dimension worked hard to put out stories about the Amazon princess for all of you to enjoy. And while we did it for you, I have to say that I had a blast. Getting to talk to so many amazing creators about what Wonder Woman meant to them was too much fun. And it really got me thinking what Wonder Woman meant to me.
Wonder Woman was really the first female superhero that I knew about. I watched Lynda Carter spin around to awesomeness on TV every week and I knew then it was something special. I spun around imitating her (maybe I still do) and I was not only in love with her, she inspired me to be better. She still inspires me to be better.

Click here for my interview with Gail Simone.
Some people claim to not understand Wonder Woman and I don’t really get that. What’s not to get? She is full of love, compassion, truth, hope, peace, and all she wants is a world that reflects that. Oh wait. NOW I get why some people don’t understand her. She’s like an Amazon hippie. And while she has been through many incarnations (including where she lost her powers but gained AMAZING fashion sense!) she has always been a hero to me. She always will. I think of her every day, whether it’s reading a comic about her, watching her on the screen, looking at the toys — I mean “collectibles” — of her on my shelves, or even drinking from my Wonder Woman coffee cups.
At my shop, whenever I say “Wonder Woman” we all pretend we are playing “Bullets and Bracelets.” She is such an integral part of my everyday life that it warms my heart to see everyone talking about her this week. Even my non-nerd friend Debbe bought me the Wonder Woman stamps.
This amazing Amazon brings out the best in people and she brings people together. I know she has made my life better and I’m so glad to see that she is still relevant to so many. And I am glad that my daughter will grow up in a world with this comic- book character who has inspired so many women to become their own Wonder Women.
I am putting out a big thank you to all the writers, artists, editors and everyone who has had a hand in making Wonder Woman what she is today. In Infinite Crisis #1, Geoff Johns wrote, “Of all people, you know who I am… who the world needs me to be. I’m Wonder Woman.”
The world needs Wonder Woman and thank Hera we have her.
Until next week, keep twirling! Toodle-Pip!