EXCLUSIVE: A new, ongoing feature done in conjunction with Neal Adams’ family…
I have been reading comics since 1972, or perhaps 1971. I have written many times that Neal Adams’ work had an enormous impact on me as a kid — and as an adult — and that I consider him to be the greatest comics artist who ever lived.
I was fortunate to be able to interview Neal many times, spend time at his studio, and was especially honored whenever he wrote a guest column at 13th Dimension, particularly when he agreed to write an appreciation of Denny O’Neil when the writer — Adams’ most storied collaborator — died in 2020.
He was a force of nature, a man of vision, and I miss him.
So I could not be more proud right now to announce a new, ongoing feature here at 13th Dimension: THE NEAL ADAMS CHRONICLES. The best part? We’re doing this with the full cooperation of Adams’ family, specifically his daughter Kris Adams Stone and his son-in-law Peter Stone.

The first Adams cover I remember seeing on the stands.
Neal Adams does not need me to keep his legacy alive. His work and impact speak for themselves. But since he died in 2022 at the age of 80, I have felt compelled to find a way to pay regular tribute to an artist who meant so much to so many. So here we are.
You have a lot to look forward to: Peter Stone will be writing a regular, recurring column that looks at Neal’s work from Neal’s point of view, based on decades of conversations. His first column — which you can read here — is about Neal’s fondness for the great Bob Haney. Upcoming columns include Neal’s perspectives on Jack Kirby… and Sean Connery! That just gives you an idea about the scope of this feature.
We will also be highlighting, naturally, Neal’s art, as well as posthumous projects such as the upcoming Neal Adams Vault Vol. 1 treasury edition. He left behind a metric ton of illustrations, many of which are available for sale at the family’s twice-weekly online Facebook auctions, as well as the NealAdamsStore.com, and their Burbank, California, comics shop Crusty Bunkers Comics and Toys. On Monday, for example, we’re spotlighting his own homage to another famed artist. (Click here to see it!)

Tom Palmer inks
There will be much more as we go and as this feature evolves. We certainly welcome your thoughts and suggestions for what you would like to read about.
So welcome to THE NEAL ADAMS CHRONICLES. We’re glad you’re here. Enjoy the links below — to Peter’s first column, to a gorgeous piece of art, and to a representative selection of guest articles Neal wrote here over the years.
Right on.
— THE NEAL ADAMS CHRONICLES: Why the Great Artist Had Such Respect for Writer BOB HANEY. Click here.
— THE NEAL ADAMS CHRONICLES: Dig NEAL ADAMS’ Gorgeous Tribute to Jim Lee’s BATMAN and CATWOMAN. Click here.
— DENNY O’NEIL: An Appreciation, by NEAL ADAMS. Click here.
— Why BATMAN Has Endured for 80 Years, by NEAL ADAMS. Click here.
— Why RA’S AL GHUL Has Endured for Five Decades, by NEAL ADAMS. Click here.
— 13 of My Favorite Covers, by NEAL ADAMS. Click here.
— 13 of My Favorite Covers (Part 2), by NEAL ADAMS. Click here.
— 13 of My Favorite Covers (Part 3), by NEAL ADAMS. Click here.
— NEAL ADAMS Reviews the 2019 Film JOKER. Click here.
August 6, 2023
I can’t wait for The Neal Adams Chronicles!
Mr. Adams was my favorite comic artist growing up, especially his GL/GA art and his Avengers run. In fact, that issue highlighted in your article, Avengers #92, is still my all-time favorite Marvel piece he has done! I’d like to hear about his 70’s work for Marvel and his Continuity Comics work. Thanks, Dan!
August 6, 2023
You don’t have to wait long, Jim! Here’s the first installment: https://13thdimension.com/the-neal-adams-chronicles-why-the-great-artist-had-such-respect-for-writer-bob-haney/
August 6, 2023
I started reading comicbooks in 1968. I was very familiar with Jack “The King” Kirby’s and “BIG” John Buscema’s art and I really liked both of them especially BIG John. Then I discovered Neal Adam’s work on “Deadman” and “The X-Men”. His photo realistic art was the first to make look at the credits to see who was drawing this book. Neal Adams was my 1st “Favorite comicbook Artist”. Continue to rest in peace Mr. Adams and thank you…
August 6, 2023
I had the fortune of meeting Neal Adams in 2017 for the first time at Raleigh GalaxyCon, again in 2018 at the same venue. Like many others, was drawn to the covers he crafted for Batman during the Bronze Age of DC – the treasury edition of Batman vs Ra’s Al Ghul being “well loved” during my childhood. During our Covid quarantine, got to know him and the Adams family more directly through the weekly Facebook online auctions, live art classes, and whenever Neal just wanted to hop online and tell stories or comment on the state of the union. Sometimes even some late night texts back and forth with the man himself. The combination of his work with Denny O’Neill was (and still is) some of the best work in the medium. He is greatly missed.
August 6, 2023
They video of Neal doing his thing is mesmerizing. The master at work. And as a fan of Zany Haney, I love and agree with Neal’s assessment of his writing!
August 6, 2023
The original X-Men looked their best when penciled by Neal Adams. I found a collection of those issues at a flea market when I was 12 and it was the best!
August 30, 2023
Hi, not to nitpick but I think it’s important. Neal passed away in 2022, not 2023. I love this initiative, by the way, I’ve been a life long fan and miss the live auctions held by Neal and his family in the late afternoon.
August 31, 2023
A simple typo. Thanks for catching it!