A posthumous memoir by one of Batman’s original architects is out now…
Jerry Robinson was one of the greats, an artist whose work was indispensible to the Batman mythos. His main claims to fame? Co-creating the Joker and Robin.
That’s enough to hang your cowl on right there, but no, Robinson, who died in 2011, kept going with a lengthy career well beyond the confines of Gotham.
Out this week is Jerry and the Joker: Adventures and Comic Art, a copiously illustrated posthumous memoir published by Dark Horse, including never-before-published Bat-art, plus original covers and so forth.
Just take a peek at some of what’s inside:
The preview on Dark Horse’s website (click here) promises much more and I plan to take a deep dive myself once I get a copy into my Batgloves.
The 192-page, 9″ x 12″ hardcover lists for $34.99.
August 2, 2017
I’ve seen much of that artwork before at the Columbia University Libraries.
August 2, 2017
Will this be available through Diamond Previews?
August 3, 2017
It was and it’s already out.
February 12, 2020
Pleased to see the Academy Awards recognized Bill Finger and Jerry Robinson as Creators of the Joker.