Wonder Woman completes the trinity for NJ Croce.
Bendables! I love them! And nobody does them better than my pals at NJ Croce, the company perhaps best known for producing Gumby, dammit.
I dig what these guys have done on Batman ’66, the animated New Batman Adventures and Darwyn Cooke’s New Frontier.

Swingin’ box of ’66 swag …
Now, they’re jumping onto the silver screen with a Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman 3-pack based on Dawn of Justice. So you’ll be able to bend Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot this way and that.
“Our sculpts look gorgeous and I can’t wait to see the first test shots from the factory, which is like opening a present Christmas morning for me!” Nick Croce told me.
He says the figures, which are in the 5-6-inch range, are expected to be available mid-February, about a month or so ahead of the film’s release in March. The set will carry an SRP of $29.95, so look out for it. It’s already available for pre-order at online retailers. You can also ask your comics shop.
We’ll have more news on this down the line. In the meantime, check out this promo prototype image:
UPDATED: If you wanna see the first actual figure pix, click here.
December 30, 2015
Is Sarah Silverman playing Wonder Woman?