HOT PICKS: This Week’s ‘Amazing’ Selections

Peter’s back … but there are a lot of other books to choose from this week! Mark Waid, Christy Blanch and the rest of our crew make their HOT PICKS!

Mark Waid and Christy Blanch, Alter Ego Comics, Muncie, Ind.

Amazing Spider-Man #1, Marvel. This is the book that everyone’s talking about — mostly Dan Slott who won’t pipe down about it! 🙂 It’s the return of Peter Parker — and JUST in time for the movie!


Vertigo Quarterly #1, Vertigo. This going to be great. What a stellar collection of writers and artists like Fabio Moon, James Tynion IV, Amy Chu, Jock and MORE! This is a great book if you want bang for your buck! We’ve been excited for this since it was first solicited.

Flex Mentallo Man of Muscle Mystery TPB, Vertigo. This is one of the most genuine graphic novels that we’ve ever read. We point anyone who loves All-Star Superman to this because it’s Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely working their magic. This is a must-read.

Aimee LoSecco, JHU Comic Books, Manhattan

Batwoman Annual #1, DC Comics. Everything comes to a head as Batwoman takes on Mr. Bones! Will the man continue to grab her by the B-A-double Jennies, or will Batwoman give the DEO the big F-U once and for all? Questions are answered and loose ends are tied up in this issue. It’s nice to have some resolution after a big buildup, right? Get this issue to soothe your fevered Bat-brow.

Amazing Spider-Man #1, Marvel Comics. Baby Button-Eyes … what are you doing here?! That’s right, kids. Petey’s back! Much like the newly-returned-from-the-dead Nightcrawler, Peter Parker is back with a new attitude. You don’t go through what he went through and go back to eating oat cakes for brekkie and wearing the same drawers with the hole in the left butt-cheek, am I right? Dan Slott took us on a wild ride with Superior, and he’s not going to disappoint with Amazing. First bad guy up?  Electro … .aaaaand FIGHT!

Rachel Rising #25, Abstract Studios. If you’ve been champing at the bit every month for this book, this issue will not disappoint. A new story arc begins here as Rachel begins the hunt for the man who killed and dumped her in a shallow grave. Can’t really blame her.


Ted Alexander, manager, Midtown Comics’ Downtown location, Manhattan

Star Wars Rebel Heist #1, Dark Horse. Even with the recent announcement that the Star Wars Expanded Universe won’t mean much now with the new movie coming soon, this one looks to be a must-read.  Mind Mgmt’s Matt Kindt’s unique writing style and Han Solo are going to be a great combination.

Amazing Spider-Man #1, Marvel. Here is one I personally have been looking forward to this since Peter Parkers “death.”  Doctor Octopus messed with Peter and Spider-man’s reputation so much that it will be interesting to see how Peter picks up the pieces. Also check out the cool connecting cover that J. Scott Campbell has done just for us. It’s pretty sweet.


Batman Eternal #4, DC Comics. I’m loving the first few issues of this. Reminds me of a pre-52 Batman. It’s going to be a great year reading this series.

Menachem Luchins, owner, Escape Pod Comics, Huntington, L.I. 

Elephantmen 2260 Book 1, Image. Richard Starkings’ Elephantmen has always been an amazing book with stunning art, great story and an intriguing world — one in which a renegade scientist created massive human/animal hybrids to act as mercenary soldiers. He was stopped and the Hybrids were integrated into society. This new volume is a PERFECT jumping-on point, as it slowly unfolds this history during a very bizarre murder mystery involving detective Hip Flask, one of the Elephantmen. Oh, did I mention that it’s one of those $10 Image trades? It is.

Jeffrey Brown: Kids are Weird, Touchstone. Jeffrey Brown, the man who made a splash in the comic scene many, many years ago discussing his virginity has really parlayed that well– he’s now more widely known for his kid-centric Star Wars books “Darth Vader and Son” and “Vader’s Little Princess.” This new title is another one that focusing on children — Brown shows us the world through his 5-year-old son’s eyes, and it’s pretty damn hilarious.

Adventure Time Annual 2014, Boom! Studios. I really don’t know what I need to say here beside for: BECKY DREISTADT! Seriously, a fully-painted Dreistadt Adventure Time comic? How can you pass this up?! Not only that, but the story (co-written by Frank Gibson with Dreistadt) is all about Fionna and Cake when they were children. Little … Kitten … Cake! Drawn by Becky Dreistadt! GET IT!!


I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention all the awesome new Image Firsts coming out this week — $1 first issues of some of the hottest titles out there, perfect to lend to that friend you just KNOW would love them. The titles coming out this week are: Rat Queens, Sex Criminals, Alex + Ada, Deadly Class, East of West, Lazarus, Manifest Destiny, Pretty Deadly, Sex Criminals, Velvet and Zero. All for ONE DOLLAR!

Dimitrios Fragiskatos, manager, Midtown Comics’ Grand Central location, Manhattan

Flex Mentallo Man of Muscle Mystery trade paperback, Vertigo. Flex Mentallo is the story of a fictional character who became real. He’s the optimistic superhero archetype similar to Fawcett’s Captain Marvel. When evidence points to his best comic book buddy, The Fact also being in the real world, he goes on an investigation that leads to the exploration of the nature of fiction itself. This also marks the first collaboration between Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely.

Tim Finn, Hub Comics, Somerville, Mass.

Pretty Deadly Vol 1 trade paperback, Image. Two employees and I had a hard time getting into this series when it was just a first issue. They were hooked by Issue #3, I decided to wait until this week. Emma Rios’ art sings, and it’s great to have another $10 starter book in time for Free Comic Book Day this Saturday.


Secret Vol 1 trade paperback, Image. This series’ long delays didn’t help it, but we’re happy to add another collection to our Hickman shelf that isn’t Avengers.

Southern Bastards #1, Image.  Scalped is a slow but steady seller, and Jason Aaron has proven with faves like the gritty The Other Side and the succulent Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine that anything he writes is worth checking out. Even if that includes the vapid Amazing X-Men, which is worth checking out and then not checking out anymore. But here’s Aaron on an Image creator-owned #1 — sign me up!

Author: 13th Dimension

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