HOT PICKS! On Sale This Week!

Fifth week of the month, baby!

Jennifer King, owner, Space Cadets Collection Collection, Oak Ridge, Texas

Batman: Europa #3, DC Comics. OK, if you haven’t been reading this gem, even just to enjoy the amazing art, you are no Batfan. In this third issue of the four-issue series, Bats and Joker head to Paris to find answers for the deadly virus that they both carry. I have my suspicions, but I’ll let you draw your own conclusions. (W) Matteo Casali, Brian Azzarello (A) Giuseppe Camuncoli, Diego Latorre (CA) Diego Latorre.



Rocket Raccoon and Groot #1, Marvel Comics. Rocket, a criminal mastermind? Say it isn’t so. I’m sure he has a plan (I said it first). Skottie Young is writing this one, so if you have been enjoying I Hate Fairytales, this one might just be the bee’s knees. (W) Skottie Young (A) Felipe Andrade (CA) Skottie Young.



Code Pru #1, Avatar Press. They have me at Garth Ennis. Seriously, this guy is geniusly great at twisting a tale. Pru is a paramedic who get assigned to a mysterious unit that tends to monsters in NYC, with the problem that she has no idea what is going on. How do you treat a vampire who is bleeding out? I’m sure we will find out when she does. This is a short lead-in to the ongoing series. (W) Garth Ennis (A/CA) Raulo Caceres.



Dan Greenfield, editor and publisher of this here website

Doctor Fate #7, DC Comics. I will plug this book at any opportunity. Writer Paul Levitz, a master, and artist Sonny Liew, a rising talent whose star is poised to reach fresh heights in 2016 with his graphic novel/history The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye, are an excellent match for this reimagined Doctor Fate. This is a terrific book and it needs more eyes, so pick it up.



All-New Wolverine #3, Marvel. I’ve tried a number of All-New All-Different titles, and this one has moved near the top of my list. Writer Tom Taylor’s sly stylings mesh well with David Lopez’s art.



Superman: Lois and Clark #3, DC Comics. I’m going to be writing more about this one soon enough, but in the meantime, I’m just going to say I really dig this title. If you’re one of those people who hasn’t been a fan of the New 52 Superman, then pick this up. Writer Dan Jurgens and artist Lee Weeks are 2-for-2 so far …


Author: Dan Greenfield

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