HOT PICKS! On Sale This Week!

Scott and Dan pick the comics they’re most looking forward to…

Scott Tipton, columnist, 13th Dimension

Marvel Two-in-One Epic Collection Vol. 3: Remembrance of Things Past, Marvel. Excellent to see these great 1970s Ben Grimm team-ups back in print.

Green Lantern #19, DC Comics. Writer Jeremy Adams is kicking off big things for the Green Lantern Corps – who or what are the Fractal Lanterns?

Dan Greenfield, editor, 13th Dimension

The Untold Legend of the Batman Limited Edition #1, DC. Interesting that DC opted to print this three-issue classic — comics’ first planned miniseries — as a single publication. Not that I mind. Not at all. This is something that should be readily in print at all times. I just think it woulda been fun to have three Facsimile Editions. In any event, this will have a foil-cover version too. (If you want to know what writer Len Wein had to say about this series, click here.) UPDATED 1/28/25: Why no Facsimile Editions? Because this is a TREASURY EDITION! Click here for the lowdown.

By the way, if you had a choice of all three covers for this edition, which would you have picked? I think I probably would have gone for Issue #1.

Scott adds: A great series from Len Wein, Jim Aparo and John Byrne, all under a Garcia-Lopez cover!

Batman: The Long Halloween — The Last Halloween Noir Edition #1, DC. The comic with the longest name in the history of mankind.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. Re Untold Legends of Batman cover question. For me it is hands down issue 3.

    It’s his origin story and that is a classic and timeless pose and artwork. It’s stunning.

    Definitely should have been the cover of this trade reprint collection.

    I have the originals. Wonder if I should get this. I probably will. 🙂

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    • See, I’m a bit of a sucker. I have this and will buy it again, simply to vote with my dollars. I want more of this type of thing.

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      • CRISIS should be next! Just imagine tabloid sized Perez art…

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    • Yep, cover #3 is iconic. I’ve seen it reproduced for several covers, often with just a plain orange background.

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  2. >>> A great series from Len Wein, Jim Aparo and John Byrne, all under a Garcia-Lopez cover!

    I’ll take that over The Dark Knight every day of the week. Absolutely loved this series when it came out.

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    • Seeing how it’s Frank Miller’s birthday: I think DKR and Batman: Year One were absolute masterpieces and two of the greatest Batman stories ever told. The problem I have is that virtually every writer since has tried to do their version of those and that’s where the problem lies. A “dark” Batman, a “medium” Batman and a “light” Batman can all co-exist.

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      • Can’t argue with that.

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  3. I absolutely LOVE JLGL (PBHN), but when I first saw the cover of Untold Legend of the Batman #2 in an ad, I couldn’t understand exactly what was going on. Robin seems like he’s driving off angry, and Batman seems like he’s trying to stop him, or at least get in the car with him, while yelling some expository dialog about what the series plot is. It’s beautiful to look at, but it still confuses me to this day. I think maybe someone didn’t explain the scene to JLGL well, or maybe they wanted to misdirect readers? Robin DOES try to leave in the Batmobile, but he’s not angry in the comic itself.

    So it should have been #1 or #3 for the cover of this collection. The cover to #3 is iconic, and almost like a missing plate from the DC Style Guide. It’s used as the cover of Tales of the Batman by Len Wein (which contains the Untold Legend series), and I happily got my copy signed by Mr. Garcia Lopez at Heroes Con in 2007!

    I will be picking this new reprint collection up though, because although I have never owned the original 3-issue mini, this is my Batman bible. I couldn’t find the original comics on the stands as a kid, but a few years later got the paperback-sized black and white reprint from Tor. And read it to DEATH. I later picked up the smaller-than-normal reprint comics packed in with the really odd audio drama recreation that came out in 1989.

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  4. Untold Legend…why has this not been reprinted as a trade paperback before? Or has it…?

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  5. I didn’t know that the Untold Legends reprint is going to be a treasury…at least it is according to the eBay listings I saw. Take my money, please! Hope this means will get more “new/old” treasuries of Batman going forward…and hopefully some Superman with the movie coming out.

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