HOT PICKS! On Sale This Week!

Scott and Dan pick the comics they’re most looking forward to…

Dan Greenfield, editor, 13th Dimension

Batman & Robin: Year One #4, DC. It’s fun reading this and The Last Halloween at the same time. Lotsa good early-years Batman and Robin.

Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #35, DC. And now, an Aquaman arc.

Batman #609 Facsimile Edition, DC. The ramp-up to April’s Hush 2 continues.

Nightwing #122, DC. Dig the Dan Panosian variant! Wintry!

Rogue: The Savage Land #1, Marvel. Any excuse to put her in that outfit. This ish has at least 11 covers — and probably some retailer variants too. This is an Adam Hughes variant. Just givin’ Marvel fans what they want.

Scott Tipton, columnist, 13th Dimension

Avengers Assemble #5, Marvel. Cap-Snake? Back in my day, Cap was a wolf. I’m just sayin’.

Marvel Masterworks: Ka-Zar Vol. 4, Marvel. Marvel’s own lord of the jungle in Savage Land tales from Doug Moench, Val Mayerik, Russ Heath and Steve Gerber!

DC Finest: Supergirl — The Girl of Steel, DC. More wonderful Silver Age DC classics reprinted in full color, this time the early Supergirl tales from Otto Binder, Jerry Siegel and Jim Mooney!

Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 Facsimile Edition, DC. Looking back now, it’s amazing, the kind of intricate work George Perez was delivering on a monthly basis. This cover is astounding.

Dan adds: I’ve been enjoying re-reading this on a monthly basis. More than I thought I would. It’s the gold standard for events, but I wasn’t sure how well it would hold up as an actual story. It does. Oh, and check out Fred Van Lente’s COMIC BOOK DEATH MATCH: Secret Wars #10 vs. Crisis #10. Click here.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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1 Comment

  1. But Cap DID fight Reagan-Snake. When he turned back to human it was hard to tell the difference.

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