Scott and Dan pick the comics they’re most looking forward to…
Scott Tipton, contributor-at-large, 13th Dimension
Avengers Epic Collection: Operation Galactic Storm, Marvel. The last gasp of the great ’80-’90s Avengers run, before we get into the leather-jacket-and-pouches era.
She-Hulk Epic Collection: Breaking the Fourth Wall, Marvel. John Byrne’s return to Shulkie’s solo series can be found here, with great cameos from super-obscure Marvel folk like US1, Razorback and the Blonde Phantom! Good stuff.
The Jurassic League #1, DC. It’s the Justice League. But they’re dinosaurs. That’s all I got.
Dan Greenfield, editor, 13th Dimension
Ray Harryhausen’s Kali, Star Ace Toys. For my money, Kali from The Golden Voyage of Sinbad is Ray Harryhausen’s greatest creation. Now, she’s available as an imported (from Hong Kong) soft vinyl statue. This deluxe version includes a display diorama base. It also costs about $300.
Marvel Animated Mysterio Bust, Diamond Select Toys. A roughly 6-inch bust of one of my fave Spider-Man villains, done up in the style of the ’90s cartoon. Nice.