Scott and Dan pick the comics they’re most looking forward to…
Dan Greenfield, editor, 13th Dimension
Detective Comics #1014, DC. I do like a good Mr. Freeze story. So thank you, Peter Tomasi and Doug Mahnke (and co.).
The Immortal Hulk #25, Marvel. Everyone’s going bonkers for this series by Al Ewing and Joe Bennett and this issue (also with art by German Garcia and others) promises big, big, BIG things in the far-flung future.
The Incredible Hulk #1 Facsimile Edition, Marvel. So, with the Hulk in the far-flung future, the House of Ideas takes you back to the beginning with Lee and Kirby – including ads, letters and whatnot.
Dollar Comics: Swamp Thing #1, DC. Gotta admit, I do prefer Facsimile Editions to dollar reprints just because I really love getting the ads, letters and whatnot. But getting to grab this kind of classic – by Wein and Wrightson, natch – for only a buck? Far out.
Amazing Mary Jane #1, Marvel. Because, why not? Let’s see what Leah Williams and Carlos Gomez have in store, Tiger.
Complete Peanuts Vol. 12: 1973-74 TPB, Fantagraphics. Great Charles Schulz strips. Just great.
Scott Tipton, contributor-at-large, 13th Dimension
Zero Hour 25th Anniversary Omnibus HC, DC Comics. While not the best of DC’s giant event series, this one is worth examining as a historical document if nothing else, just to see how DC used to leverage its events into EVERY POSSIBLE BOOK. Plus, the Dan Jurgens art is pretty good.
Daredevil Epic Collection: A Woman Called Widow, Marvel. The tales of the short-lived Daredevil/Black Widow romance, featuring stories by Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway, Gene Colan and Gil Kane. That’s a pretty strong list of creators.
Marauders #1, Marvel. Captain Kitty Pryde and her band of mutant pirates sail the modern-day seven seas? That’s just weird enough to get my money. From Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli and crew.
October 21, 2019
This is absolutely awesome!