New York Comic Con predictably played havoc on schedules this week, so here’s an abbreviated (and early) HOT PICKS!
Tim Finn, Hub Comics, Somerville, Mass.
Usagi Yojimbo Saga Vol. 1, trade paperback, Dark Horse. Oh, Dark Horse, how confusing you are. This is Books 8, 9, and 10, when Dark Horse picked up the book. Not Books 1, 2, and 3, which are Fantagraphics, along with 4-7. Couldn’t you have talked this through with Fantagraphics, and let them have “Saga Volume 1” and “Saga Volume 2”? Because as three-in-ones go, you’re really starting at “Volume 3.” Oh well, these are great besides.
Satellite Sam Vol. 2, trade paperback, Image Comics. The covers on this series, and, unfortunately, the collections say, “THIS IS FOR DUDES WHO LIKE SMUT,” when this is actually for everyone who likes drama, and Fraction, and “Sex Criminals,” so we have to hand sell this. But it’s really good, and yes, there is sex, and women in underwear, but that’s not all it’s about.
Ms. Marvel Vol. 1: No Normal, trade paperback, Marvel Comics. The singles keep selling, and this book presents a point of view you don’t often see in super-hero comics. Or never. Solid story, great art.
Special Mention of a Book That Hasn’t Been Available For Three Years: Powers Vol. 1: Who Killed Retro Girl trade paperback. And all it took was a TV series to get Marvel or Icon or Bendis to get this back in print. We’ve had volumes 2 through 15 just sitting on our shelves for 36 months, unsellable, waiting for this moment!
Christy Blanch, Alter Ego Comics, Muncie, Ind.
Death of Wolverine #4, Marvel. This is it. We find out what exactly will kill Wolverine. He kept coming close but something or someone always saved him. What will finally lead to his demise? I’m ready to find out!!
Daredevil #9, Marvel. So, yeah. The purple man/purple children REALLY freaked me out. How creepy were those kids?!? Waid and Samnee are just killing it on the series and not missing a beat. This is a book that I stop to read when I unpack it. I can’t get enough of this series.
Doctor Who: 12th Doctor #1, Titan. I have high hopes for this series as I am already a huge fan of Capaldi’s doctor! I’m not sure what to expect but I can’t wait to find out!
Aimee LoSecco, JHU Comic Books, Manhattan
Death of Wolverine #4, Marvel Comics. This is it! The end of Wolverine is finally here: How will he go out, and will it stick? Don’t forget to pick up Logan’s Legacy #1 for the aftermath of this universe-shaking series!
Uncle Grandpa #1, Boom! Studios. OK, I’m the first to admit that this show weirds me out, but it’s oddly compelling. It has all the things I love: a guy with a handlebar mustache in lederhosen accompanied by a talking slice of pizza and a half-naked dinosaur. Did I mention he rides a tiger that shits rainbows? Because that’s important. And the comic reads like Mad Magazine meets The Far Side meets Spumco. If you’re into weird and wacky, check it out.
DMC, Darryl Makes Comics. Darryl McDaniels (yes, THAT Darryl McDaniels!) brings us his first graphic novel after teasing us for so long! Imagine a world where DMC doesn’t pick up a mic, but decides to gear up and protect his neighborhood. Not necessarily of crime, but of the sudden influx of so-called super-powered heroes and villains that mysteriously appear. Take a trip back to 1980s NYC and see what happens when DMC rocks our faces, not with music, but with comics! Word!
Menachem Luchins, owner, Escape Pod Comics, Huntington, L.I.
Rai Vol. 1, trade paperback, Valiant. This incarnation by Matt Kindt and Clayton Crain is such a wonderful cyberpunk take on ancient Japan and the concepts of knowledge and honor that I was hooked from Issue #1. And now you can get the whole action-packed — really, there’s wild action on almost EVERY PAGE — first storyline for only $9.99!
Flowers of Evil #11, Vertical Inc. The only manga currently coming out that I literally obsess over, Flowers of Evil is the reason I stopped doing my “Escaping the Ordinary” articles here — I just couldn’t contain myself enough to sensically explain how amazing this series is. And I tried MANY times. This series is the emotional equivalent of a sock full of pennies to the heart, and you’re gonna love it.
Ms. Marvel Vol. 1: No Normal, trade paperback, Marvel. GET IT. Seriously — the best superhero book coming out of Marvel right now. I know you’ve heard hype about this before, everywhere. But it’s pretty much true, all of it. GET IT.