Scott and Dan pick the comics they’re most looking forward to…
NOTE: Scott’s flying solo this week, so…
Scott Tipton, co-owner, Blastoff Comics, North Hollywood, Calif.
Wonder Woman by John Byrne Vol. 3, DC. I really enjoyed Byrne’s WW stint, and this selection includes one of my favorite Byrne innovations — retroactively making Queen Hippolyta the Golden Age Wonder Woman and restoring the Amazing Amazon’s place in the Justice Society.
Invaders: War Ghosts TPB, Marvel. This recent Invaders run by Zdarsky and Magno has been a very pleasant surprise.
Powers of X #1, Marvel. I’m not completely sold yet on Hickman’s reboot of the X-books, but I’m still intrigued enough to follow along. Art by R.B. Silva, Adriano Di Benedetto and Marte Gracia.