Our experts love them some Marvel Covers Artist’s Edition from IDW. Plus all the B’s you can shake a stick at: Batman boxed set! Barbarella! Bob’s Burgers!
Scott Tipton, Co-Owner, Blastoff Comics, North Hollywood, Calif.
Marvel Covers Artist’s Edition, IDW Publishing. This one is special, since even collectors of original art aren’t often able to get their hands on the cover. So many classic, legendary covers from throughout the history of Marvel are in here, everyone from Kirby to Romita to Starlin to Miller to Byrne.
Aliens: Fire and Stone #1, Dark Horse. DHP’s attempt to revitalize their Aliens license begins here, and if writer Chris Roberson can capture that paranoid, nervous feel of the James Cameron classic, we should be in for quite a ride.
Saga #23, Image. This is a no-brainer. Vaughan and Staples’ Saga remains the juggernaut in our store. Long may it reign.
Christy Blanch, Alter Ego Comics, Muncie, Ind.
There are a lot of awesome books out this week which makes this really hard! OK, not picking Saga because everyone knows it’s amazing, here goes …
Roche Limit #1, Image. So, 2001 meets Blade Runner. Yeah, I’m in. Plus, after The Curse, Michael Moreci has become one of my ‘no questions asked’ writers. If he writes it, I’ll read it. He’s a favorite of our customers, too, which makes this a book our whole store has been looking forward to for quite some time!
Cartoon Network Super Secret Crisis War #4, IDW. Yes, I know I’m a grown up, but I simply LOVE this book. Louise Simonson has always been one of my favorite writers so this was a must-read anyway, but who knew!? I loved it so much. This book consistently sells out at our store and we increase the numbers every month. I just can’t get enough of it. If you think this is just a book for kids, then check it out and you will see why I love it so much!
Magneto #10, Marvel. This book is consistently one of my favorites each month. I just can’t get enough of it and neither can our customers. The list keeps getting longer and longer for this series and I understand why! It’s one of those books that I take a break to read when I’m checking books in for the week. It’s just that good.
Tim Finn, Hub Comics, Somerville, Mass.
Batman: Gordon of Gotham, DC Comics. This needed collecting with or without a similar TV series about to hit the airwaves. Gordon, Bullock, the GCPD (before the “Gotham Central” incarnation), and steady hands like Chuck Dixon, Dick Giordano, and Klaus Janson. Should have also included the Bullock special, but close enough. We can sell this to everyone who likes “Gotham Central,” and that’s a lot of people.
Wayward #2, Image Comics. Issue #1 didn’t take off like I thought, but Bleeding Cool is still talking about this, and it’s pretty.
Special not-new book of note: Cerebus Volume 1 Remastered, Aardvark-Vanaheim. The restoration work that Sean Michael Robinson has done on “Cerebus” in the wake of the whole film negatives/analog printing/digital prepress/remastering/remastering again thing has been miraculous, and we can start to see the results here, in the 16th printing of what’s often called “Cerebus the Barbarian.” Sean is working on “High Society” now. Hey, Volume 1’s been unavailable for at least a year, so your store can get it again!
Aimee LoSecco, JHU Comic Books, Manhattan
Groo vs. Conan #3, Dark Horse. Last month we saw what would happen if Conan handed Groo his ass, now it’s time for the ol’ switcheroo! Watch Groo beat the cheese dip out of Conan in this issue. Next one’s the last, so who will win in this ultimate barbarian match up?
Barbarella, Humanoids. Oh Humanoids. You’ve done it again. The epic sci-fi jiggle-fest is re-released and translated by fan fave Kelly Sue DeConnick, oversized to showcase Jean-Claude Forest’s original artwork, AND numbered to only 1,500 worldwide!
Bob’s Burgers #2, Dynamite. How the hot fudge did I miss issue #1 last month? It’s OK, I got my good pal Amy Reeder to do a bitchin’ rendition of Tina Belcher as Batwoman on the blank variant cover. Be jealous, knaves! Anyway, if you haven’t picked this book up and you’re a fan of the show, please do. Everything in the comic is within continuity of the show. “How can that be?” you ask. Oh, it be! Every character has a story: Bob’s list of burgers, Louise’s mysteries, Gene’s music, Linda’s got animals this month, and of course, Tina’s erotic fan fiction. Smart, strong, sensual: Bob’s Burgers.
Marvel Covers Artist’s Edition, IDW. This. This is the big boy. All covers, all epic artists: Miller, Kirby, Steranko, Starlin, Adams — both Neal AND Arthur! Perfect for the comic artist, comic buff, or comic connoisseur in your life. Or yourself.
Dimitrios Fragiskatos, manager, Midtown Comics’ Grand Central location, Manhattan
New Avengers #24, Marvel Comics. The biggest threat to the Marvel Universe is here. A group of egocentric control freaks have secretly come together to decide what is best for Earth and the universe and it is not the Illuminati! Namor has brought together a cabal consisting of Thanos, Black Swan, Terrax, Maximus the Mad and others. They are preventing incursions from destroying Earth-616 by killing other worlds. What does this mean for the Avengers and for the Marvel Universe?
Menachem Luchins, owner, Escape Pod Comics, Huntington, L.I.
Wayward #2, Image Comics. The first issue of this series delivered all the promise of a well-plotted, diverse world. with fantastic art to boot! Issue #1 is going to a second printing and will be out NEXT week but don’t wait — get #2 before they sell out as well!
On the Books, Microcosm Books. In 2012, Strand Bookstore employee Greg Farrell took to the Internet to create a webcomic chronicling the strike the employees (The Strand being one of the few bookshops with a union) were embroiled in. In this finished book, Farrell rounds out the events with interviews and far more detail. A powerful book about the labor inequality in this country. Oh, did I forget to mention that Farrell, a Huntington native, will be doing an event at our shop Sunday, Oct. 5? I did? Sorry, here’s the info: https://www.facebook.com/events/354448784713841/
Sally Heathcote: Suffragette, Dark Horse Comics. Costa award-winning duo Mary and Bryan Talbot return. This time, with the help of artist Kate Charlesworth, they explore the life of an Edwardian maid who gets caught up in the rising tide of suffrage. An in-depth exploration of how much has been accomplished in the women’s rights movement and how far we still have left to go, this book has been making waves in England and Europe for a few months now and it’s finally here! Don’t miss it.
Ted Alexander, manager, Midtown Comics’ Downtown location, Manhattan
GI Joe #1, IDW. Another volume of GI Joe! I hope that the seventh time is the charm and we get a long run of storylines in this one. All these Number 1s are confusing! Continued from the last run, COBRA is now a world peacekeeping force. Do we even need the Joe team? I’m going to bet that COBRA has something up its sleeve and it’s not exactly what it appears to be.
Batman: Death Of The Family Book and Joker Mask Set, DC Comics. If you haven’t read the Death of the Family storyline yet (and why haven’t you?) or you’ve been waiting to collect it in trade, THIS is the one to get. It comes with its own version of the Joker’s ripped-off face. Now you can wear the mask during Halloween and scare the kids of the neighborhood!