Scott and Dan pick the comics they’re most looking forward to this week …
Dan Greenfield, editor, 13th Dimension
Angel Catbird Vol. 1 HC, Dark Horse. Margaret Atwood tackles comics with this graphic novel, featuring Johnnie Christmas art (and Tamra Bonvillain colors). C’mon, Margaret Atwood. Doing comics. Starring a character who’s basically Catman crossed with Hawkman (but not really). Fun fact: Margaret Atwood is my wife’s favorite writer. She’s gonna read this too. And so should you.
Aquaman #6, DC. Things go from bad to worse for Aquaman and Mera, as they have to face off against Superman. Oy. By Dan Abnett, Brad Walker and Andrew Hennessy.
Superman #6, DC. Broken-record time: The Superbooks are the best they’ve been in years … The Superbooks are the best they’ve been in years … The Superbooks are the best they’ve been in years … The Superbooks are the best they’ve been in years … (This issue by Tomasi, Gleason and Gray)
Godzilla: Rage Across Time #1, IDW. Stories of Gojira in different time periods. Here, the big guy’s in feudal Japan. I’ll be there. By Jeremy Robinson and Matt Frank.
Moon Knight #6, Marvel. Jeff Lemire, James Stokoe and Francesco Francavilla go meta by having Moon Knight take on Marvel Studios. Yup.
As usual, my Batman picks will come in the BATBOOK OF THE WEEK column — part of BATMAN’S HOT-LINE.
Scott Tipton, co-owner, Blastoff Comics, North Hollywood, Calif.
Skybourne #1, Boom! Studios. I love Frank Cho’s art, and I’ve enjoyed his writing all the way back to Liberty Meadows, so I’m totally on board for this.
The Walt Disney Studios: A Lot To Remember HC, Disney Editions. A big lavishly illustrated coffee-table book by Steven Clark and Rebecca Cline on the history of the Walt Disney Studios lot? Please and thank you.
Cyborg: Rebirth #1, DC Comics. I loved writer John Semper’s work on the 1990s Spider-Man animated series, so I’ll give this a try.