Scott and Dan pick the comics they’re most looking forward to this week …
Dan Greenfield, editor, 13th Dimension
Aquaman #1, DC. There were only two non-Batbooks that I stayed with through the entire New 52: Aquaman and Justice League. You think I’m gonna stop now? Writer Dan Abnett — a late New 52 holdover — has been getting along in Atlantis swimmingly, so I’m ready to keep diving in. Art by Brad Walker.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Marvel. When I was 10, Marvel’s adaptation of Star Wars rocked my galaxy. I read it in treasury form and with Marvel bringing back said treasuries, I would love, love, love it if they reprinted this in the format once this mini is complete. Either way, I hope some 10-year-old kid somewhere loves this adaptation — by Chuck Wendig and Luke Ross — as much as I loved the original.
Irwin Allen’s Lost in Space: Lost Adventures #3, American Gothic Press. Holly Interlandi’s done a bang-up job adapting Carey Wilber’s unfilmed Lost in Space episode, with art by Kostas Pantoulas and co. I bought the first issue on a lark. Dug it. Bought the second one because I liked the first one enough to try it again. Now, I’m downright looking forward to Issue #3.
The Flash #1, DC. Here’s hoping we get more clues on this Watchmen business. By Joshua Williamson and Carmine Di Diandomenico. Nice to have someone named Carmine drawing Flash again, isn’t it?
Wonder Woman #1, DC. Lordy, Liam Sharp’s art really popped on the final pages of Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1, didn’t it? Now we get a full issue with Sharp and Greg Rucka to settle in with.
Red Wolf: Man Out of Time TPB, Marvel. OK, if you’ve missed the issues, pick this up. Nathan Edmondson and Dalibor Talajic have created an interesting little world in the Southwest that reads something like a superhero Justified. It’s not quite that but there’s a similarity of spirit and I really dig it. And the brilliant Jeffrey Veregge covers.
Back Issue #89, TwoMorrows. Editor Michael Eury’s latest delves into the world of Bronze Age reprints like The Shadow, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Marvel’s movie comics. Some stores have gotten this issue, others not until this week. (Click here for a preview.)
Action Man #1, IDW. This is, as they say, in my wheelhouse. Action Man was a Brit version of the G.I. Joe action figure, licensed in the U.K. in that magical pop-culture year of 1966. John Barber and Paolo Villanelli bring us modern-day stories featuring a new hero taking over the name.
As usual, my Batman picks will come in the BATBOOK OF THE WEEK column — part of BATMAN’S HOT-LINE. You can also find my regular Star Trek picks in the TREK TUESDAYS column.
Scott Tipton, co-owner, Blastoff Comics, North Hollywood, Calif.
Superman Panic In The Sky TPB, DC Comics. I remember this being a fun little mini-event in the Superman books of the 1990s. Looking forward to revisiting it.
Wonder Woman #1, DC Comics. I was gonna buy the new Wonder Woman series anyway, but variant covers from Frank Cho sealed the deal.
Drinky Crow Drinks Again HC, Fantagraphics. What can I say? I have a weakness for Drinky Crow.
Tobin’s Spirit Guide, Insight Editions. Prepare to bust ghosts on your own with the same supernatural reference book that Doctors Spengler and Stantz swear by! Written by longtime Ghostbusters comics scribe Erik Burnham!