Scott and Dan pick the comics they’re most looking forward to this week …
Scott Tipton, co-owner, Blastoff Comics, North Hollywood, Calif.
Starfire, Vol. 1: Welcome Home TPB, DC. My favorite DC series of the last year. Fun, sweet and suitable for all ages. By Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner and Emanuela Lupacchino.
Walt Disney Donald Duck Sunday Newspaper Comics HC Vol. 1, IDW Publishing. Beautiful Sunday Donald Duck comics from Al Taliaferro, most of which have never been seen since their original publication in the early 1940s.
Avengers George Perez Marvel Artist Select HC, IDW Publishing. More than any other artist, George Perez means “Avengers” to me. This oversized collection of Perez’s favorite issues is a must-have, as much for the wide-ranging interview of Perez up front by IDW Big Kahuna Chris Ryall.
Circuit Breaker #1, Image. I’m always in for anything new from Kyle Baker. (Written by Kevin McCarthy.)
Dan Greenfield, editor, 13th Dimension
Cyborg #9, DC. OK, look, I like Cyborg. I have ever since the original New Teen Titans days. It’s still hard for me to get excited for a solo ongoing, though. But this month, Captain Marvel Shazam shows up and any time Billy gets the spotlight these days, I’ll check it out. I do like how these guys are buddies in modern canon. Then again, something’s gone awry on that excellent Dan Panosian cover. By the way, which of these covers do you prefer? The solicited one on the left or the final one on the right? I know which way I’m voting …
Harley Quinn #26, DC. Psst. I’ve read this one already. It’s a typical hoot, as Harley gets Robbied. Also by the Palmiotti-Conner coterie of creators.
Hyperion #1, Marvel. People dig Chuck Wendig. People dig the alt-Justice League, the Squadron Supreme. People dig the alt-Superman, Hyperion. People dig road stories. This is all of that. (Art by Nik Virella.)
As usual, my Batman picks will come in the BATBOOK OF THE WEEK column — part of BATMAN’S HOT-LINE…