Posted By Dan Greenfield on Nov 28, 2013 |
Best wishes from Dan and Cliff. Enjoy some comic-book characters with your awesome gelled cranberry sauce that comes out of a can shaped like the can …

- 1940!

- 2009. This is a weird one because it’s a Christmas issue that came out in February that borrows from Rockwell’s Thanksgiving. But I’m using it because shut up.

- 1966. Everything was awesome in 1966.

- Cover dated Jan. 2004. More importantly, the Atom thinks Thanksgiving is fabulous.

- The ’80s

- 1954. “Meat coming up, Lana.”

- The ’80s again!

- 1947. That is one fast turkey, right?

- Dave Ryan’s War of the Independents takes a break for a Norman Rockwellesque moment.

- 1954. What the hell is happening here?

- Cover dated Jan. 1997. Solomon Grundy eats on a Thursday. Then goes upstairs and puts on the fat clothes and naps while sort of listening to the football game.
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