EXTREME CLOSE-UP: Dig the Incredible Detail of the Upcoming DC COMICS STYLE GUIDE Release

EXCLUSIVE INSIDE LOOK — directly from the printer in Italy…

The 1982 DC Comics Style Guide hardcover, featuring art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez and Dick Giordano, is one step closer to making it into your mitts: The folks at Standards Manual are this week at the printers in Italy going over the final details.

Hamish Smyth, Standards Manual’s co-founder, sent over these 13 PIX to whet your whistle. The detail is incredible — just look at some of the line work and the richness of color — and they’re still working out the finer points.

Dig this:


A few thoughts:

— The book cover is not white; it will be a Style Guide cover scan. Those pix are just to show you what the binding will be like (as well as scale, when compared to the water bottle). This prototype was done by hand so it will be even cleaner in production. (That office is the printer’s, just to give you a sense of the high quality work they do.)

— Reminder: Though this is called the 1982 DC Comics Style Guide, it is an amalgam, with pages from the original plus some of the later updates. That said, the vast majority of the material is from 1982.

— As I noted here, the best way to support this project is to buy your copy directly from Standards Manual. They are a small operation and anything that would induce them to do any updates or, say, a paperback edition, is a good thing. Buying from your local comics shop is a reasonable alternative, and usually my first choice.

— Full disclosure: I am involved with the book as a writer and as a technical adviser. Nevertheless, it makes no difference to me financially where you buy this. I just believe this is the proper thing to do.

The 384-page, 1982 DC Comics Style Guide lists for $95 and is due in August. The price at Standards Manual is $90 if you pre-order before July 4. Click here to order. 


— INSIDE LOOK: The Source Copy of the 1982 DC COMICS STYLE GUIDE That’s Being Published as a Hardcover. Click here.

— OUTSTANDING! 1982 DC STYLE GUIDE Reprint Will Include Pages From Later Editions. Click here.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. I am so looking forward to this. My copy is pre-ordered.

    After seeing the work they’re doing on the Style Guide, I wonder if they’d be interested in tackling the Cancelled Comics Cavalcade issues next. Sure, a lot of those stories have turned up elsewhere over the years, but a guy can dream, can’t he?

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    • This is looking beautiful.

      Although, it’s not going to a white cover, a white cover with the character art imprinted on the front and back would look stunning.

      I’m sure regardless, it will look amazing.

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  2. Two questions!
    1. Will it open flat?
    2. Did they take you to Italy with them?

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  3. Cancelled Comics Cavalcade next – definitely!

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  4. I cannot wait for this. I’ve wanted this style guide for years, but eBay prices are way too steep.

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