EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEEK: Figures Toy Company’s Special Edition Mego Book

FTC has produced a new edition of Benjamin Holcomb’s World’s Greatest Toys — complete with a new section on their modern Megos.


Holcomb’s book — the best volume ever produced about Mego’s World’s Greatest Super-Heroes figures — has long been out of print, so it’s great to have it back.

When it came out, I never thought there’d be a reason to produce another one, but with the Mego renaissance in full flower, it’s a welcome development.

The beloved original

The beloved original

So check out this EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEEK at the book, which is available only through Figures Toy Co. (It’s $50 full price, but you can get discounts depending on other purchases you make.)

Maybe sometime down the road we’ll get a third edition with not only more figures but a more in-depth look at vehicles and playsets, both new and old.

Hey, it could happen. We never thought we’d get this one, y’know?

(Oh, and in case you missed it, check out our piece on the Megos that fans most want Figures Toy Co. to make!)


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Author: Dan Greenfield

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