Hey, guess what. There’s a (really) big movie with Thanos in it that’s coming out next week.
Is there a better way to prepare than picking up Marvel’s Thanos Annual #1 — out 4/25?
Well, I’m sure there are plenty of ways to get fired up about it — but this is certainly one way to do it.
Check out the creators who worked on this one: Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, Antonio Fabela, Chris Hastings, Flaviano, Federico Blee, Katie Cook, Heather Breckle, Ryan North, Will Robson, Rachelle Rosenberg, Al Ewing, Frazer Irving, Kieron Gillen, Andre Araujo and Chris O’Halloran.
And check out the official solicitation blurb:
Thanos is likely the most evil being in the universe — and if anyone would know, it’s the all-new Cosmic Ghost Rider. Let the spirit of vengeance be your guide on a tour through the worst of the worst, as he reveals the most heinous deeds ever perpetrated by the Mad Titan — or by anyone else!
Parental Advisory
And check out this EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW:

Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, Antonio Fabela

Chris Hastings, Flaviano, Federico Blee

Katie Cook, Heather Breckel

Ryan North, Will Robson, Rachelle Rosenberg

Al Ewing, Frazer Irving