Wave 1 is funded — and now we go behind the scenes with the Silver Streak!
So this is pretty cool. The ZICA and Captain Action folks have nailed down their Kickstarter and the Adventure People line is off and running.
Not only does this mean new CA figs are coming but we’re also getting new, 4-inch-scale versions of retro cult Mego faves Jet Jungle and Action Jackson (that last part gave me a chill writing it), plus other goodies like henchmen and whatnot. Check out the Kickstarter for all the details. You can still get in on the action (pun intended).
So, what’s next?
Well, Wave 2 of course, which is focused on Dr. Evil (it always cracks me up to type that), Action Boy, Lady Action … and best of all — the SILVER STREAK!
“We’re really excited for Wave 1, but supremely excited for Wave 2,” Captain Action maven Ed Catto sez. “ZICA has created a fantastic digital sculpt of the Silver Streak. And as you can see — we stuck more to the box art than the actual ’60s toy. The sizzle was a little better than the steak, you know?”
“Here’s the not-so-secret secret — because it’s a digital sculpt, we can size it up or down easily. In other words, we could make a small Silver Streak, or we could make a 1/6th-scale Silver Streak. … And that’s what really gets us excited!” excitable Ed enthused. “We could create a Hot Wheel-size car.”
But what about the choice to make it look more like the ’60s box art as opposed to the original toy itself?
“In developing the Silver Streak, we took great care to design the vehicle to most look like the representation on the original packaging art. It’s longer and sleeker than the actual toy was,” he explained. “Oh, sure, we understand that there were realities in creating the toy all those years ago, but it was important to us to remain true to the original vision of the Silver Streak. And besides, purists could always just purchase one from a collector. We wanted to add to the legacy.”
The Kickstarter for Wave 2 isn’t live yet. (Wave 1’s not quite done yet.)
But keep watching this space, Actionians …
February 29, 2016
Great line,i want 2 collect.
September 23, 2018
So I was thinking of names for partners for Jet Jungle, Action Jackson and Captain Evil, and the first one that came to mind was Jane Jungle. Would that be too cliche
April 16, 2020
Dang it, my wallet just cracked another monitor!