TOY FAIR 2016: A bust you can take to the bank …
(UPDATED: Check out another fun Batman ’66 Toy Fair surprise, here!)
It’s nice to know there are still surprises out there.
Most companies that hold Batman ’66 licenses have pretty much exhausted their options but Diamond Select is swinging in with some unexpected heroics as the TV show celebrates its 50th anniversary.
Citizens, we have THIS to look forward to:
This. I need this. You need this.
And here’s the thing: It’s a bank.
That’s right. Lift the head and there’s a slot for your personal Wayne fortune.

Slot’s in the shadow, above the white button.
Even though it looks as if it were cast in bronze, ol’ William Shakespeare is made of a heavy, durable plastic. And it’s big, like 1 1/2 to 2 feet tall.
This is, I do believe, the first officially licensed Batman ’66 Shakespeare bust. It’s due out later this year and will list for $65.
From what I saw of it at Toy Fair, it looks like it’s worth every penny you’ll drop into it.
NOTE: Hey, while you’re here, check out our recent series of stories on Diamond’s Batman ’66 busts and statues.
And for more TOY FAIR 2016 coverage, click here.
February 14, 2016
I’m in.
February 14, 2016
“To the Bat Poles Robin!”
February 14, 2016
Shut up and take my money!
February 15, 2016
WORTH every PENNY. I see what you did there.
February 15, 2016
I’m so glad somebody did!