Dig These 13 GREAT BACK ISSUE MAGAZINE Issues That You Can Still Get Your Hands On

Another great way to support TwoMorrows, one of comics’ essential publishers…

Of all the mags that TwoMorrows puts out, Back Issue is my favorite. It just hits my sweet spot.

Well, as we’ve noted, TwoMorrows, a small company run by John Morrow, really got the shaft in Diamond’s bankruptcy. So if you want to show your support, it’s time to pick up some things you’ve thought about but haven’t gotten around to.

You may not realize, for example, that there are a load of Back Issue issues that are still in print that you can get your hands on.

Here are 13 of my faves, in numerical order, along with links to each. (And over here are 13 faves that are not in print but are available digitally.)

Right on.

BACK ISSUE #64, $8.95

May 2013 – 84 FULL-COLOR pages

BACK ISSUE #64 (84 FULL-COLOR pages, $8.95) looks back at “Back-up Series” of the Bronze Age! Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Metamorpho, ARCHIE GOODWIN and WALTER SIMONSON’s Manhunter, MARTIN PASKO and KEITH GIFFEN’s Dr. Fate, “Whatever Happened To…?”, Nemesis, Rose and the Thorn, and the Seven Soldiers of Victory! Featuring the work of CARY BURKETT, JOHN CALNAN, DICK GIORDANO, MIKE GRELL, ELLIOT S! MAGGIN, DAN SPIEGLE, and more! With a Green Lantern/Green Arrow/Black Canary cover by MIKE GRELL and JOE RUBINSTEIN. Edited by MICHAEL EURY.

BACK ISSUE #77, $8.95

December 2014 – 84 FULL-COLOR pages

BACK ISSUE #77 (84 FULL-COLOR pages, $8.95) lets you return to a time … When Comics Were Fun! FRED HEMBECK cover gallery, Plastic Man, Blue Devil, Marvel’s Star Comics imprint, JIM VALENTINO’s normalman, the Bronze Age’s goofiest Superman stories, Marvel Fun & Games Magazine, and the Batman/Dick Tracy team-up you didn’t see! Featuring the work of MAX ALLAN COLLINS, PARIS CULLINS, RAMONA FRADON, ALAN KUPPERBERG, DAN MISHKIN & GARY COHN, STEVE SKEATES, JOE STATON, CURT SWAN, and more. With a Hembeck recreation of his classic Spectacular Spider-Man #86 cover. Edited by MICHAEL EURY.

BACK ISSUE #80, $8.95

May 2015 – 84 FULL-COLOR pages

BACK ISSUE #80 (84 FULL-COLOR pages, $8.95) looks at Flash and Green Lantern in the Bronze Age (a TwoMorrows crossover with Alter Ego #132, also shipping this month), celebrating the 75th birthdays of two of DC’s greatest heroes! In-depth spotlights of the Scarlet Speedster’s and Emerald Crusader’s 1970s and 1980s adventures, plus MARK WAID’s look at the Flash/GL team, Green Lantern: Ganthet’s Tale by sci-fi legend LARRY NIVEN and JOHN BYRNE, and PAUL KUPPERBERG’s Lost GL Fill-ins. Bonus feature: We commemorate DC Comics’ move to the West Coast with a star-studded DC’s New York Office Memories. Featuring the work of MIKE W. BARR, CARY BATES, DAVE GIBBONS, MIKE GRELL, CARMINE INFANTINO, IRV NOVICK, DENNY O’NEIL, LEN WEIN, and more. Cover by GEORGE PÉREZ! Edited by MICHAEL EURY.

BACK ISSUE #87, $8.85

April 2016 – 84 FULL-COLOR pages

While they’re duking it out in the movies, they’re the best of friends in this Batman AND Superman issue of BACK ISSUE (#87, with 84 FULL-COLOR pages, $8.95)! Spotlighting World’s Finest in the Bronze Age, the Super Sons, the Batman–Superman Villain–Partner Swap, Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane go solo, the Superman/Radio Shack giveaways, and as a nod to Hollywood’s Batman v. Superman, we examine Justice League of America #200: “A League Divided”! Featuring the work of BRIAN BOLLAND, RICH BUCKLER, GERRY CONWAY, JACK KIRBY, Batman and Psychology author DR. TRAVIS LANGLEY, GEORGE PÉREZ, JIM STARLIN, and more. With a vintage Batman/Superman cover by DICK GIORDANO! Edited by MICHAEL EURY.

BACK ISSUE #97, $8.95

July 2017 – 84 FULL-COLOR pages

BACK ISSUE #97 (84 FULL-COLOR pages, $8.95) is a BIRD PEOPLE Issue! “Hawkman in the Bronze Age”: his Shadow War and monthly series, JLA squabbles with Green Arrow, Golden Eagle, and more! Plus: JIM STARLIN’s Superman/Hawkgirl team-up, TIMOTHY TRUMAN’s Hawkworld, Hawk and Dove, a Penguin villain history, Blue Falcon and Dynomutt, Condorman, and CHUCK DIXON and SCOTT McDANIEL’s Nightwing. Featuring GERRY CONWAY, STEVE ENGLEHART, GREG GULER, RICHARD HOWELL, TONY ISABELLA, KARL KESEL, ROB LIEFELD, DENNY O’NEIL, and others! Featuring a high-flying Hawkman cover by GEORGE PÉREZ. Edited by MICHAEL EURY.

BACK ISSUE #98, $8.95

September 2017 – 84 FULL-COLOR pages

BACK ISSUE #98 (84 FULL-COLOR pages, $8.95) is a DC in the ’80s Issue! From the experimental to the fan faves, this was the decade when DC Comics declared, “There’s No Stopping Us Now!” Behind-the-scenes looks at Secret Origins, Action Comics Weekly, DC Challenge, Thriller, Electric Warrior, and Sun Devils. Featuring JIM BAIKIE, MARK EVANIER, DAN JURGENS, DOUG MOENCH, MARTIN PASKO, TREVOR VON EEDEN, and others! Featuring a mind-numbing Nightwing cover by ROMEO TANGHAL. Edited by MICHAEL EURY.

BACK ISSUE #107, $8.95

September 2018 – 84 FULL-COLOR pages

BACK ISSUE #107 (84 FULL-COLOR pages, $8.95) jingle-jangles with Archie Comics in the Bronze Age! Archie’s ’70s and ’80s adventures, STAN GOLDBERG and GEORGE GLADIR interviews, Archie knock-offs, Archie on TV, and histories of Sabrina the Teenage Witch, That Wilkin Boy, Cheryl Blossom, and Red Circle Comics. Featuring the work of JACK ABEL, JON D’AGOSTINO, DAN DeCARLO, FRANK DOYLE, GRAY MORROW, DAN PARENT, HENRY SCARPELLI, LOU SCHEIMER, ALEX SEGURA, ALEX TOTH, and more. Featuring an Archies cover by Dan DeCarlo, one of the celebrated artist’s final illustrations before his 2001 death. Edited by MICHAEL EURY.

BACK ISSUE #108, $8.95

October 2018 – 84 FULL-COLOR pages

Get ready for the Aquaman movie with this special Aquaman issue, BACK ISSUE #108 (84 FULL-COLOR pages, $8.95)! Swim through Bronze Age Aquaman team-ups and merchandise, the post-Crisis Aquaman, Aqualad: From Titan to Tempest, a Black Manta villain history, PETER DAVID and ESTEBAN MAROTO’s Atlantis Chronicles, and Greatest Stories Never Told looks at the original Aquaman #57 and the unproduced Aquaman animated movie. Bonus article: Elite Comics’ rarity, Seadragon! Featuring JIM APARO, JIM CALAFIORE, MARTIN EGELAND, STEVE EPTING, CRAIG HAMILTON, DAN JURGENS, SHAUN McLAUGHLIN, DAVID MICHELINIE, JEROME K. MOORE, STEVE SKEATES, MARV WOLFMAN, and more. Plus an Aquaman cover by ERIC SHANOWER. Edited by MICHAEL EURY.

BACK ISSUE #113, $8.95

July 2019 – 84 FULL-COLOR pages

Back Issue #113 celebrates the original Tim Burton Batman movie’s 30th Anniversary, featuring a guest column and interview with Batfilms producer MICHAEL USLAN, an interview with screenwriter SAM HAMM, and a chat with the man who might have been Two-Face: BILLY DEE WILLIAMS. Plus: 1989: DC Comics’ Year of the Bat, DENNY O’NEIL and JERRY ORDWAY’s Batman movie adaptation, MINDY NEWELL’s Catwoman, GRANT MORRISON and DAVE McKEAN’s Arkham Asylum, MAX ALLAN COLLINS’ Batman newspaper strip, and JOEY CAVALIERI and JOE STATON’s Huntress. Featuring a classic Michael Keaton Batman cover by JOSE LUIS GARCIA-LOPEZ, with cover design by MICHAEL KRONENBERG. Edited by MICHAEL EURY.

BACK ISSUE #130, $8.95

September 2021 – 84 FULL-COLOR pages

Bronze Age Promos, Ads, and Gimmicks! Who was the mystery writer of those zany Hostess Comic Ads? Plus: the aborted DC Super-Stars Society fan club, DC 16-page Preview Comics, the DC Hotline, Popeye Career Comics, Marvel’s little-known Quarterly Reports, and more. Featuring Mike W. Barr, Kurt Busiek, Mike Chen, Glenn Herdling, Paul Kupperberg, Paul Levitz, Dan Mishkin, Tom Morgan, Mark Pacella, Jimmy Palmiotti, Bob Rozakis, Scott Shaw!, Terry Stewart, Roy Thomas, Marv Wolfman, and more. With a previously unpublished 1979 5-Star Super-Hero Spectacular cover by Dick Dillin and Dick Giordano. Edited by Michael Eury.

BACK ISSUE #139, $10.95

October 2022 – 84 FULL-COLOR pages

Not-Ready-for-Primetime Marvel Heroes! Mighty Marvel’s Bronze Age second bananas: Doc Samson, Jack of Hearts, Thundra, Nighthawk, Starfox, Modred the Mystic, Woodgod, the Shroud, Thunderbird and Warpath, Stingray, Wundaar, and more! Featuring the work of Kurt Busiek, Peter David, Steve Englehart, Steve Gerber, Keith Giffen, Steven Grant, Bill Mantlo, David Michelinie, Roger Stern, Roy Thomas, and other A-list talent. Edited by Michael Eury.

BACK ISSUE #145, $10.95

August 2023 – 84 FULL-COLOR pages

Watch your back, Wall-Crawler… it’s our Spider-Rogues Issue! Villain histories of Dr. Octopus, Lizard, Kingpin, Spidey’s mob foes, the Jackal and Carrion, Tarantula, Puma, and Spider-Foes Only a Mother Could Love! Featuring the work of Bronze Age Spider-creators Ross Andru, Sal Buscema, Gerry Conway, Tom DeFalco, Gil Kane, Todd McFarlane, David Michelinie, Frank Miller, Keith Pollard, John Romita Jr. & Sr., Roger Stern, Roy Thomas, Len Wein, Marv Wolfman, and many more. Featuring a Spider-Man and his Rogues’ Gallery cover by Dusty Abell! Edited by Michael Eury.

BACK ISSUE #152, $10.95

July 2024 – 84 FULL-COLOR pages

Get ready, True Believer, for our star-studded Marvelmania Issue! Sal Buscema’s Avengers, Fabian Nicieza’s Captain America, and Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross’s Marvels turns 30! Plus: Marvelmania International, Marvel Age, Marvel Classics, Paul Kupperberg’s Marvel Novels, and Marvel Value Stamps. Featuring Chris Claremont, Jack Kirby, Kevin Maguire, Roy Thomas, and many more Men and Women of Mighty Marvel! Marvelmania Avengers cover illustration by Sal Buscema! Edited by Michael Eury.


— TWOMORROWS PUBLISHING Needs Your Help. Click here.

— BACK TO No. 1: Dig These 13 CLASSIC BACK ISSUE MAGAZINE Issues You Can Get Digitally. Click here.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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