Dig the Groovy BRONZE AGE Trade Dress for This BATMAN 85th ANNIVERSARY Variant Cover

The Batman and Robin #12 homage to Adams and Wrightson’s Batman #241 looks straight out of 1972. PLUS: Other Bat-logos make a return(ish)…

Back in May we told you about DC’s upcoming Batman 85th anniversary variants that recast famous covers with different versions of screendom’s Caped Crusader.

For example, this Batman and Robin #12 piece by Simone Di Meo, which pays tribute to both Batman: The Animated Series and Neal Adams and Bernie Wrightson’s 1972 Batman #241:

Very nice.

But now, DC has revealed how it will look with full, Bronze Age-style trade dress, when it’s released Aug. 14:

Boy, that really sells it doesn’t it?

Here’s the original, by the way — followed by Alex Ross’ own variant from 2023:

It’s also worth noting that the logo debuted on Batman #241, so that’s a nifty little bonus.

But wait, there’s more! Here are two other covers that now boast trade dress that play off their appropriate time periods:

More of these covers to come, folks, so keep checking back at 13th Dimension for updates!


— DC Recasts Famous BATMAN Covers With Screen Versions of the Caped Crusader. Click here.

— DC to Release Eight SUPER POWERS Action Figure VARIANT COVERS This Summer. Click here.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. No Batman logo is better than the Bronze Age Batman logo.

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    • This is not opinion. It is fact!

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  2. I love that homage to the Batman #241 cover. <3

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