Featuring the hideously campy Separated Man!
I love the Separated Man. That gigantic, bright pink, boil-covered monstrosity who bedeviled the Teen Titans in their first official appearance in 1965’s The Brave and the Bold #60, by Bob Haney and Bruno Premiani. Dude could split his body into parts and it was so hilariously disgusting, I’ve devoted an entire column to him. (Check it out here — it’s a gas!)
So naturally, I was giddy when I saw our pal Mike Allred’s variant cover for October’s World’s Finest: Teen Titans #4:
Ginchy! (The Separated Man did show up in World’s Finest: Teen Titans #1 — a superb issue — by the by. Yay!)
The cover is one of five to choose from for the ish. Dig the rest, along with DC’s official solicitation info:

Main cover by Chris Samnee
Written by MARK WAID
Variant covers by EVAN “DOC” SHANER and JOHN TIMMS
1:25 variant cover by KHARY RANDOLPH
1:50 variant cover by MICHAEL ALLRED
BREAKING UP IS SUPER HARD TO DO! America’s sweetest situationship breaks hearts—including Aqualad’s and Wonder Girl’s own!—when Garth realizes a part of him isn’t fully in it with Donna. To heal the wounds, Wally invites Garth and Roy to a sleepover at his folks’ home, where Aqualad opens up about his fluid sexuality. Meanwhile, Mal assists Bumblebee in an unexpected battle, giving him a taste of the Teen Titan he could be…
$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 10/10/23

Doc Shaner. I’ve been collecting these character covers because they are nifty and neat.

John Timms

Khary Randolph
— Dig These 13 FAR OUT PANELS From the TEEN TITANS’ First Appearance. Click here.
— Dig Doc Shaner’s Groovy ROBIN Cover For DC’s Retro TEEN TITANS Series. Click here.
August 12, 2023
All of these covers look amazing! Sadly, a 1:50 means I won’t be able to own it. Catwoman and Poison Ivy got cover collections. I would love to see a Titans one with the variants across their numerous current series.