DIRECT CONVERSATIONS: Featuring Chaykin, Levitz, Staton, Rozakis and MANY MORE…
One of 2021’s most compelling reads was Paul Kupperberg’s Direct Comments, collecting about two dozen never-completely-published interviews from the ’70s to the ’90s, mostly with some of DC’s greatest creators. We’re talking folks like Carmine Infantino, Denny O’Neil, Julius Schwartz, Jerry Ordway, Jim Aparo and many, many more.
Well, Paul — a 13th Dimension columnist — is back with a follow-up of sorts: Direct Conversations: Talks With Fellow DC Comics Bronze Age Creators, which is now being crowdfunded through Kickstarter. (Click here for all the info and how to order.)
Direct Conversations features all-new interviews with a range of writers, artists and other stalwarts, including Howard Chaykin, Jack C. Harris, Tony Isabella, Paul Levitz, Steve Mitchell, Bob Rozakis, Joe Staton, Anthony Tollin, Bob Toomey and Michael Uslan. There’s also an intro by Bob Greenberger.
“We all came from different experiences and background, but one thing we shared was our desire to do comic books,” Paul said. “And it didn’t matter which publisher you were working for, DC or Marvel, all of us co-existed in a relatively small orbit around the business, which was then largely centered in New York. Now, almost 50 years after meeting them, the business, and us, have kind of scattered, and even though I’ve kept in touch with most of these guys, we don’t usually get the chance to talk like this. And on the record.”
Between the two books, you get a thorough inside look at one of DC’s most tumultuous and fascinating eras, and who better to guide you than Paul, who was there for most of it.
Assuming the Kickstarter succeeds — and I expect that it will easily — the roughly 200-page paperback is planned for a holiday season release and will run $20 each.
The Direct Conversations Kickstarter will run 21 days. Click here.
— Coming Soon! DIRECT CONVERSATIONS: An INSIDE LOOK at DC in the Bronze Age. Click here.
— Paul Kupperberg’s DIRECT COMMENTS Index. Click here.
October 5, 2022
I contributed. Looking forward to reading BOTH books. DKP
October 5, 2022
Which holiday season? Either way, sounds like a solid buy.
October 6, 2022
Paul has put together excellent books and i recommend his writings to anyone with interest in the subject. Just makes me wonder why, considering that Paul, TwoMorrows, and others can sell books and periodicals ABOUT DC’s Bronze Age, why can’t DC publish more books of the actual Bronze Age itself?