CAPTAIN AMERICA WEEK: 13 Covers by Kirby (and Friends)

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. You should do an article on the best Captain America covers of all time. Some of these covers are certainly more memorable than others (specifically Captain America #1, Avengers #4 & Captain America #109).

    You could add Steranko He did that phenomenal cover for Captain America #111. This coverseems to always be on posters, t-shirt, refrigerator magnets and reprints.

    Another artist to be considered would be John Byrne. He had a great (although short) run on the character and his cover for Captain America #250 was a great hook for the “Cap for President” storyline.

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  2. i don’t like when bucky is like robin a kid super hero in the WW2 i prefer him in the ultimate version the one or the way of marvel movies

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