BATMAN: HOARDER — Kerry Callen’s Greatest Strip of Them All


Every Sunday, we get a real bang out of featuring one of Kerry Callen’s utterly hilarious comics satires. Judging by the response since we began this feature earlier this year, so do you.

Well, here’s one we’ve been holding off on because it might be his best-known work. But since we’re filled with holiday cheer, we present BATMAN: HOARDER — which is perhaps the funniest strip he’s ever done.

If you’ve never seen it, enjoy. If you have, enjoy again. Because even if you know what’s coming, it’s still laugh-out-loud funny:

Want more SUNDAY FUNNIES WITH KERRY CALLEN? Come back next week!

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KERRY CALLEN spent much of his career as an artist and art director, developing product for Hallmark, but has also dabbled in comics for many years. As a freelancer, he creates work for a range of needs, spanning from Mad Magazine to children illustrations. He has two graphic novels available on Amazon worldwide, Halo and Sprocket: The Definitive Collection, as well as Dirtnap: Mystic Spit.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. Hilarious ending!

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  2. Kerry is the best!

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  3. Batman breaks his code of honor for a briefcase…LOL

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