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Back Issue is my favorite TwoMorrows mag. If you’re a Bronze Age fan, it’s a must-buy. And buying is the operative word here.
TwoMorrows, a small company run by John Morrow, really got hammered in Diamond’s bankruptcy. So if you want to show your support, then it’s time to get your self some Back Issue, well, back issues.
There are a load of Back Issue issues that are still in print — and you can find 13 groovy ones over here. But you may not realize that the entire catalogue is available digitally, so we’ve also picked out 13 classics from the first 50.
Dig these, along with the appropriate links:
100 pages – November 2003
Jump on board for the ultimate comics experience: BACK ISSUE magazine! Edited by Michael Eury (former DC and Dark Horse editor/writer and author of TwoMorrows’ book Captain Action: The Original Super-Hero Action Figure), BACK ISSUE celebrates comic books of the 1970s, 1980s, and today through a variety of recurring (and rotating) departments. BACK ISSUE #1’s theme is DC vs. Marvel, with these scintillating features: PRO2PRO — Our inaugural team-up is a dialogue between George Pérez and Marv Wolfman (moderated by interviewer Andy Mangels) discussing the pros & cons of working for Marvel and DC in the ’70s and ‘ 80s-accompanied by rare Pérez artwork! Greatest Stories Never Told — This time out, it’s an examination of the original JLA/Avengers crossover, revealing why it never happened and featuring unpublished George Pérez pages-plus a spotlight on the new JLA/Avengers mini-series! ROUGH STUFF — Who better to kick off this feature than the “King” himself? We’ll take a look at Jack Kirby’s ’70s and ’80s DC and Marvel penciled artwork, direct from his files! Our guest editorial this issue is by former DC editorial director Carmine Infantino, recalling DC’s 1970s’ battle plan to challenge Marvel’s market dominance! All this, plus a dynamic Batman vs. Captain America cover by George Pérez, makes BACK ISSUE #1 a must for every comics fan!
100 pages – March 2004
This April’s Fools Day, editor MICHAEL EURY is grinning ear-to-ear over BACK ISSUE #3, our LAUGHING MATTERS issue, featuring: “Bring On The Bad Guys,” a scintillating look at THE JOKER’s journey from clown to killer through interviews with and art by DENNY O’NEIL, NEAL ADAMS, STEVE ENGLEHART, MARSHALL ROGERS, JIM STARLIN, and BRIAN BOLLAND, plus other Bat-artists! “ Pro2Pro Interview”, as plotter KEITH GIFFEN, writer J.M. DeMATTEIS, and artist KEVIN MAGUIRE bust their guts about their 1980s JUSTICE LEAGUE series, and the 2003 follow-up, FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE JUSTICE LEAGUE (with art by Maguire and Giffen)! “The Greatest Stories Never Told”, a look at the two PLASTIC MAN movies (one written by The Matrix’s Wachowski Brothers) that faced meltdown—plus, didja hear the one about Arnold Schwarzenegger as SGT. ROCK? “Rough Stuff”, with pencil artwork and rare sketches by a dozen cartoonists, including SERGIO ARAGONÉS, MIKE MANLEY, RAMONA FRADON, JACK KIRBY, and others—with a look at KYLE BAKER’s new PLASTIC MAN series thrown in for fun! “What The–?!”, a spotlight on the strangest stage show ever, BUGS BUNNY MEETS THE SUPER-HEROES, with interviews and ultra-rare photos. “Off My Chest”, as MARK EVANIER tells you why writing “funny” books is harder than it looks! All this and more, under a BRAND-NEW JOKER COVER by BRIAN BOLLAND!
100 pages – May 2004
WOLVERINE is turning the big three-oh, and BACK ISSUE #4 commemorates the occasion—and other Marvel anniversaries—in our “Marvel Milestones” issue! PRO2PRO INTERVIEW: CHRIS CLAREMONT and JOHN BYRNE recall Wolverine’s appearances from their legendary 1980s’ X-Men collaboration in a scintillating dialogue moderated by Marvel Universe author Peter Sanderson. GREATEST STORIES NEVER TOLD: Did you know that Wolverine was supposed to be a teenager? The character’s creator, LEN WEIN, fills us in on the Wolverine you didn’t see! ROUGH STUFF: Wolverine is spotlighted in pencil artwork by artists JOHN BUSCEMA, JIM LEE, ADAM HUGHES, ROB LIEFELD, MARC SILVESTRI, and others. Another PRO2PRO INTERVIEW: In honor of the 20th anniversary of Thor #337, Adventures of Superman and WILDCATS Version 3.0 writer JOE CASEY interviews WALTER SIMONSON about his landmark run on the title, and they compare notes on the Man of Steel for fun. Plus: Special features highlighting the PUNISHER’s 30th birthday and the 20th anniversary of SECRET WARS! All this and more, under a never-before-published WOLVERINE COVER by JOHN BYRNE. Edited by Michael Eury.
100 pages – July 2004
BACK ISSUE #5 salutes the TV super-heroes of the 1970s and ’80s in our “Comics in Hollywood” issue! WONDER WOMAN: Andy Mangels provides an in-depth look at the Wonder Woman TV series, with a new LYNDA CARTER interview and anecdotes from show personnel, plus a TV Wonder Woman art gallery, with pinups by George Pérez, Dick Giordano, Phil Jimenez, Paul Guinan, and others! MARVEL ON TV: A photo-filled look at Marvel’s TV versions of The Incredible Hulk, The Amazing Spider-Man, Captain America, and Dr. Strange, including Dan Johnson’s all-new interview with TV-Hulk LOU FERRIGNO! GREATEST STORIES NEVER TOLD: Animator Darrell McNeil’s inside scoop on the super-hero cartoons you didn’t see, including The New Teen Titans, The Flash, Metamorpho, and more! ROUGH STUFF: Pencil artwork from the one-and-only JERRY ORDWAY! BEYOND CAPES: An examination of Marvel’s and DC’s Star Trek series—by a writer who contributed to both, MIKE W. BARR—with art by Dave Cockrum, Tom Sutton, and others! OFF MY CHEST: Legendary artist JOHN ROMITA SR. gives his impressions of Marvel’s cinematic adaptations! Plus an extensive guide to comic-book cinema on DVD, and other surprises! With special FLIP COVERS of LYNDA CARTER as WONDER WOMAN by ALEX ROSS and ADAM HUGHES! Edited by Michael Eury.
100 pages – November 2006
In Back Issue #19, we give credit where credit’s due as we salute comics’ Unsung Heroes! The career of artist DON NEWTON (Batman, Shazam!, The Phantom) is examined, with classic and unpublished comics and fanzine art. STEVE GERBER and GENE COLAN talk “Pro2Pro” about their Howard the Duck collaboration, while MIKE CARLIN and DANNY FINGEROTH revisit Marvel’s Assistant Editors’ Month! Also: “Greatest Stories Never Told” looks at both DANNY BILSON and PAUL DeMEO’s unrealized Unlimited Powers TV show (starring an older Flash and Green Arrow’s daughter) and TONY ISABELLA’s aborted plans for The Champions! Plus: a history of the Defenders, a Mark Gruenwald tribute, and an exclusive interview with… Richie Rich (?!). Featuring artwork by and commentary from SAL BUSCEMA, STEVE ENGLEHART, JOHN BYRNE, and a gaggle of today’s hottest artists in a preview of Image’s new Invincible Handbook. With a new Batman cover by DON NEWTON and JOE RUBINSTEIN! Edited by MICHAEL EURY.
100 pages – May 2007
In Back Issue 22: “Dynamic Duos”! Two “Pro2Pro” interviews reunite Batman’s ALAN GRANT and NORM BREYFOGLE and Legion of Super-Heroes’ PAUL LEVITZ and KEITH GIFFEN, while “Backstage Pass” takes you to Dark Horse Comics, courtesy of your hosts, MIKE RICHARDSON and RANDY STRADLEY. Also: Robin’s history from sidekick to solo star; KEVIN EASTMAN and PETER LAIRD’s groundbreaking collaboration on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; and histories of the dynamite duos of Robin and Batgirl, Captain America and the Falcon, and Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. Plus: a bonus “Scott and Zot!” interview with the influential SCOTT McCLOUD. With a breathtaking Breyfogle cover starring everyone’s favorite Boy Wonder! Edited by MICHAEL EURY.
100 pages – July 2008
LEN WEIN, DAVE COCKRUM, and ROY THOMAS dusted off the B-list X-Men in 1975 and elevated it to A-list status, and BACK ISSUE #29 follows its 1970s/1980s success and spin-offs in our “Mutants” issue! We look at the X-Men work of CHRIS CLAREMONT, JOHN BYRNE, PAUL SMITH, and JOHN ROMITA, JR.; ANN NOCENTI and ARTHUR ADAMS’ Longshot; BOB McLEOD’s and BILL SIENKIEWICZ’s New Mutants; the UK’s Captain Britain series; the Beast as the first breakout mutant; the lost Angel stories; the return of the original X-Men in X-Factor … and a “Greatest Stories Never Told” revelation of Nightcrawler’s “original” father. Plus: A history of DC’s mutant, Captain Comet, and a new chapter in BOB ROZAKIS’ fantasy history of AA Comics! With a rarely seen X-Men cover by DAVE COCKRUM! Edited by MICHAEL EURY.
100 pages – September 2008
BACK ISSUE #30 tunes in to your favorite Saturday Morning Heroes, headlined by the 1970s’ Shazam! comics revival and TV show—including interviews with TV Captain Marvels JACKSON BOSTWICK and JOHN DAVEY, and a look at ELLIOT S! MAGGIN and ALEX SAVIUK’s lost sequel to the 1974 Superman/“Captain Thunder” battle! Also: Space Ghost interviews with the legendary GARY OWENS (the voice of Space Ghost) and artist STEVE RUDE; MARV WOLFMAN’s guest editorial about the Ruby-Spears Superman cartoon series; Super Friends, in comics and on TV; the unproduced fourth wave of Super Powers action figures; Astro Boy; and the latest chapter in BOB ROZAKIS’ fantasy history of AA Comics! Plus: ADAM HUGHES pays tribute to the Rocketeer’s DAVE STEVENS! With art by C.C. BECK, DAVE COCKRUM, RAMONA FRADON, GIL KANE, ANDY SMITH, KEN STEACY, ALEX TOTH, ALAN WEISS, and an all-new cover painting of Jackson Bostwick as Captain Marvel by ALEX ROSS! Edited by MICHAEL EURY.
100 pages – March 2009
Get ready for action, angst, and acne, as Teen Heroes crash BACK ISSUE #33! Cover-featured are the Teen Titans, examined in their 1970s adventures and their fan-favorite 1980s revival, featuring the talents of EDUARDO BARRETO, NICK CARDY, JOSÉ LUIS GARCIA-LOPEZ, GEORGE PÉREZ, BOB ROZAKIS, GEORGE TUSKA, and MARV WOLFMAN. Also: MIKE BARON and JACKSON GUICE talk “Pro2Pro” about the Flash, interviews with TV Billy Batson MICHAEL GRAY and writer STEVE SKEATES, histories of Firestar, Kitty Pryde, Nova, and Power Girl, FABIAN NICIEZA and MARK BAGLEY’s New Warriors, a star-studded art gallery of Legion of Super-Heroes 1970s fashions, James Bond Jr. and … the Archies! All behind an utterly incredible New Teen Titans cover illustrated by GEORGE PÉREZ and colored by GENE HA! Edited by MICHAEL EURY.
84 pages – September 2010
Now shipping 8 times a year, with 16 color pages each issue! In BACK ISSUE #4), it’s “Spider-Man in the Bronze Age,” exploring many of the Web-Slinger’s most memorable moments! The “drug issues,” the “resurrections” of Green Goblin and Gwen Stacy, Marvel Team-Up, Spectacular Spider-Man, Spidey Super Stories, the CBS and Japanese TV shows, Power Records, the newspaper strip, the Clone Saga, and an exclusive interview with Spider-Man writer supreme GERRY CONWAY. With art by and/or commentary from ROSS ANDRU, MARK BAGLEY, SAL BUSCEMA, TOM DeFALCO, DANNY FINGEROTH, GIL KANE, STAN LEE, LARRY LEIBER, JIM MOONEY, WIN MORTIMER, JOHN ROMITA SR., JIM SALICRUP, ALEX SAVIUK, ROGER STERN, JEAN THOMAS, and many more. Plus a vintage painted cover by BOB LARKIN! Edited by MICHAEL EURY.
84 pages – November 2010
Now shipping 8 times a year, with 16 color pages each issue! In BACK ISSUE #45, we feature “Odd Couples,” headlined by an in-depth look at DENNY O’NEIL and NEAL ADAMS’ award-winning, groundbreaking Green Lantern/Green Arrow—plus an examination of the real-life events that inspired these relevant stories. The unusual pairing of one of Marvel’s hottest writers of the ’70s with DC’s Justice League of America is explored in an exclusive interview with STEVE ENGLEHART. Also: Daredevil and Black Widow, Power Man and Iron Fist, Vision and Scarlet Witch, Cloak and Dagger, and… Aquaman and Deadman (?!). With art by and/or commentary from TERRY AUSTIN, GENE COLAN, GERRY CONWAY, DENYS COWAN, DICK DILLIN, RICHARD HOWELL, RICK LEONARDI, STEVE SKEATES, and more. And a glorious recreation of the cover of Green Lantern #76 by NEAL ADAMS! Edited by MICHAEL EURY.
84 pages – March 2011
Now shipping 8 times a year, with 16 color pages each issue! The final interview with the late, great DAVE STEVENS headlines BACK ISSUE #47, our “Thrilling Days of Yesteryear” issue! Also, the film version of Stevens’ Rocketeer is discussed in a “Pro2Pro” interview with DANNY BILSON and PAUL DeMEO. Plus: The Phantom, Dominic Fortune, Man-God, Miracle Squad, and Justice, Inc. With art by and/or commentary from JIM APARO, HOWARD CHAYKIN, TONY DeZUNIGA, LUKE McDONNELL, MARK VERHEIDEN, and more. And featuring a Rocketeer cover by DAVE STEVENS! Edited by MICHAEL EURY.
July 2011 – 84 FULL-COLOR pages
BACK ISSUE #50 (84 FULL-COLOR pages, $8.95) is a special 50th Anniversary issue spotlighting “Batman in the Bronze Age”, with the entire issue in FULL-COLOR! DENNY O’NEIL, NEAL ADAMS, and PAUL LEVITZ discuss Batman in the 1970s and beyond in a “Pro2Pro” roundtable. Also: In Praise of JIM APARO, Batman’s Unsung Creators (DAVID V. REED, BOB BROWN, ERNIE CHAN, and JOHN CALNAN), Joker’s Daughter, the Batman Family, Nocturna, Untold Legend of the Batman, Batman collected editions, Batman in the early 1980s, and Dark Knight. With art by and/or commentary from JOHN BYRNE, GENE COLAN, GERRY CONWAY, DOUG MOENCH, FRANK MILLER, DON NEWTON, LEN WEIN, and more. Featuring a beautifully Bronze Batman and Robin cover by Jim Aparo! Edited by MICHAEL EURY. 84 pages, full-color throughout, $8.95.
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