Al Plastino’s Superman-Kennedy Art Battle Heats Up

This isn’t going to be pleasant. Famed Superman artist Al Plastino is “devastated” over what’s happened to his Superman-meets-JFK artwork, which he thought was at the Kennedy Library — only to find out it was being auctioned off.

The New York Post has the full story here. Lotta bold-faced comic-book names in this one, including Plastino, Neal Adams and Heritage Auctions. The story goes well past what you’ve seen on Facebook and a couple sites so far …

From Plastino's Facebook page

From Plastino’s Facebook page


(Full disclosure: I work at the Post. This site is unrelated.)


Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. I’ve read and enjoyed the NY Post for more than 50 years. (In fact, from about the time this comic book appeared.) I was 12 then, and remember, as a Superman fan and a JFK fan, the excitement about this and how much fun it was to finally get that comic. Having said that, the story about the artwork and Mr. Plastino was really pretty terribly done.

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  2. The article was only sensationalistic and made absolutely no sense. I guess the worst problem with the writing of the story, was the lack of proper questioning by the writer, Laura Italiano. So much of the story covered the emotional aspect of the family’s connection to the art and so much about the daughter remembering how proud he was of it and how often he mentioned it. Mr. Plastino was even quoted speaking of his grandchildren, and how he hoped that they could see it someday. A modicum of intellect would inspire the obvious question “how many times has he gone with his daughter and grandchildren to the museum so they could all view his masterpiece?”. No explanation in the article of why he never cared enough to even try to show his loved ones the art, and why it took 50 years for him to discover all this. The dumbest aspect of the “report” was that with a small amount of research, the author would have known that everybody in the hobby already knew that the artwork was never given to any Kennedy Library or Museum. They knew it had already been auctioned 30 years (not 50) after the assassination with much fanfare at Sotheby’s Auction House in N.Y. Get it right folks.

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  1. Plastino Files Suit Over Missing JFK Art | 13th Dimension, Comics, Creators, Culture - […] Previous coverage here. […]

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