A Scene You Will Not See in BATMAN AND ROBIN: YEAR ONE


You mighta heard that Mark Waid and Chris Samnee have a new, 12-issue series starting in OctoberBatman and Robin: Year One. If you haven’t heard, that’s kind of a surprise because we’ve been beating that drum like silly with five stories over the last few days.

Well,  here’s another! Dig this three-pager by Kerry from 2018’s Mad #1. Or, as I like to think of it, an outtake from the upcoming series:

Want more SUNDAY FUNNIES WITH KERRY CALLEN? Come back next week!

Want a commission? Send an email to KerryCallenArt@gmail.com. You can also find other work at linktr.ee/kerrycallen.


— SIDE-EYE OF THE CENTURY: What Wonder Woman REALLY Thinks of Power Girl. Click here.

— FACE IT, TIGER: Mary Jane Watson Is No OLIVE OYL. Click here.

KERRY CALLEN spent much of his career as an artist and art director, developing product for Hallmark, but has also dabbled in comics for many years. As a freelancer, he creates work for a range of needs, spanning from Mad Magazine to children illustrations. He has two graphic novels available on Amazon worldwide, Halo and Sprocket: The Definitive Collection, as well as Dirtnap: Mystic Spit.

Author: Dan Greenfield

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  1. Kerry Callen never disappoints!

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  2. That’s Lex’s niece Nasty he brought along, isn’t it? lol

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  3. Here’s where all the villain’s sidekicks came from– Lex’s niece NASTY is from 1970’s Adventure Comics #397 (I aged her down). The Joker’s sidekick GAGGY is from 1966’s Batman #186 ( I took the liberty to change him from a little person to a kid). Cheetah’s sidekick KITTEN is from 1976’s Super Friends #1 (it might be her only appearance). It was TOUGH finding kid sidekicks for super villains! I wanted to stay authentic, but had to cheat just a little.

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  4. Very funny, as always! But no love for Green Arrow and Speedy? Awwww…

    Maybe not appropriate for this gathering, but imagine if Star-Spangled Kid had showed up with his sidekick! Poor Stripesy, being made to sit at the kids table…

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    • Speedy was likely still in rehab…

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