Trim that tree and turn on the box…
It’s the SUPER-STAR HOLIDAY SPECIAL — a series of holiday remembrances and celebrations by some of the best in the biz! Click here to check ’em out!
Here’s columnist Christy Blanch with an awesome list of holiday viewing that’ll take you far, far away from the Hallmark Channel…
The holiday season is here. That means Rogue One. SORRY! That’s just all I can think about right now.
Anyway, it really means it’s time to watch Christmas stuff. Some of these are short and sweet, some are episodes of television shows, some are movies, and one is a special. And boy is it special.
These 13 are musts for me but whatever you love to watch, just love it and enjoy it. Make memories.
Enough mush! Let’s get to the list!

Happy Life Day!
Die Hard. Is this the greatest holiday movie or THE greatest holiday movie ever? This is the movie we are watching at Aw Yeah Comics for our Christmas party. And we are even having a special photo opportunity!
Make it So, by Captain Picard and the Enterprise crew. This is clever and makes me so happy. Oh, and SHUT UP WESLEY!
Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth, by David Bowie and Bing Crosby. I love this video and will watch it anytime of the year, but at this time of year it makes it even better. And I still miss David Bowie on the planet.
Afternoon Delight, from Season 2 of Arrested Development. One of my favorite series. I watch this series A LOT and quote it even more, much to the chagrin of my children. The holiday tradition of rebuilding the banana stand is great. And this is absolutely one of my favorite Gob episodes.
A Very Special Family Guy Freakin‘ Christmas, from Season 3 of Family Guy. Another show I love that is crass and has terrible jokes. There are other Christmas specials in this series, but this one remains my favorite. Stewie as baby Jesus and Kiss Saves Santa are just great. Also, read the Kiss comic that Amy Chu is writing — it’s fantastic. I haven’t seen pterodactyls yet, though.
Gremlins. Even though they can turn mean, I would still have a Gremlin. If I can make it through the teenage years of my daughter, I’m pretty sure I can handle it if a Gremlin turns bad. Plus I would be really careful. Yes, this is a hint to what I want for Christmas!
White Christmas, from Season 3 of Black Mirror. Jon Hamm. I don’t need to say anything else about this.
Christmas Party, from Season 2 of The Office (the American version – and yes I love both versions). I can watch this show all day long. This is the one where Michael buys the iPod for the gift exchange and Jim gets Pam for his Secret Santa gift. I still want to know what the note in the teapot said. I love that someone asks about that in the series finale. Jim + Pam = relationship goals.
And All Through The House, from Season 1 of Tales from the Crypt. This is both funny and disturbing, as most Crypt tales are, but this one is a great Christmas story. Ah, Christmas horror!
A Very Venture Christmas, from Season 1 of The Venture Bros. I love The Venture Bros., especially Dr. Orpheus (I know — BIG surprise). Poor Dean. “Nobody wants a Dean-in-the-Box.” And a special thank you to Ken Wheaton for introducing me to this show.
The Star Wars Holiday Special. I know, I know. No one likes this. It’s crazy and Bea Arthur sings for like nine hours and there’s weird Wookiee videos but I can’t help it. I love it. When this aired I was so excited because it was new Star Wars. It brings back great memories for me. That said, I do drink when I watch it now. I still love it when Carrie Fisher sings at the end. Tell me I’m wrong and it’s awful, that’s fine. I still love it.
Scrooged. I simply adore this movie. I don’t think it could be any better. Bill Murray is a national treasure. Don’t get me wrong, the rest of the cast is amazing as well, but Mr. Murray makes me laugh just looking at him. Favorite line? “The bitch hit me with a toaster.”
Christmas Vacation. My kids and I have watched this together every year since my daughter Grace was born in 2000. It’s just something we have to do. Maybe need to do. It’s that movie that we all know by heart and we quote all year ’round and we still laugh uncontrollably as we view it. This year when I was putting my Star Wars tree up (that one up above) and only half the lights worked, I felt like Clark Griswold trying to find that ONE STUPID BULB! It ended up I took all the lights off and put on new ones. I was like, “Fixed the newel post!” (One of my favorite scenes that no one else thinks is quite as funny as I do!)
Now if you will excuse me, I need to go watch these. There goes the whole day!!
Christy Blanch writes THIS WEEK’S COMICS TODAY (click here). She also operates Aw Yeah Comics in Muncie, Ind. Buy local!
For more SUPER-STAR HOLIDAY SPECIAL stories, click here.
December 23, 2016
Wow ! I did not even know the Star Wars Holiday Special was out there anywhere yet available for to watch. Thanks much