Weird Science, Weird Fantasy: One of comics’ greats was born 97 years ago…
It can be said that the late Al Feldstein’s greatest strength at EC Comics was his work as a writer. I completely agree with that, but I also love his rocket covers for EC’s science-fiction titles. Here, in honor of his birthday — he was born 97 years ago on Oct. 24, 1925 — are my 13 favorites.
In chronological order:

Weird Fantasy #17 (Jan.-Feb. 1951). This was actually Weird Science’s fifth issue, but it originally carried on the numbering from A Moon… A Girl… Romance after the change of title.

Weird Science #5 (Jan-Feb. 1951)

Weird Science #7 (May-June 1951)

Weird Fantasy #9 (Sept.-Oct. 1951). With the numbering now correct.

Weird Fantasy #10 (Jan.-Feb, 1952)

Weird Fantasy #11 (Jan.-Feb. 1952)

Weird Science #11 (Jan.-Feb. 1952)

Weird Fantasy #13 (May-June 1952)

Weird Fantasy #17 (Jan.-Feb. 1953). The real #17.

Weird Fantasy #20 (July-Aug. 1953)

Weird Science-Fantasy (1953). New cover for a collection of remainder issues.

Weird Science-Fantasy #24 (June 1954)

Squa Tront #3 (1969). Feldstein’s painted version of his WSF #24 above. Used for the fanzine’s cover.
— The TOP 13 WALLY WOOD EC Stories — RANKED. Click here.
— 13 COVERS: A HARVEY KURTZMAN Birthday Celebration. Click here.
October 24, 2022
If there’s one thing I love about retro Science Fiction, it’s the insistence that as long as you have a semblance of a space suit and helmet, short pants in the vacuum of space is PEFECTLY fine!
October 24, 2022
Those are awesome! Those are some great looking ships, with fine lines. They look like what George McFly was reading.
October 24, 2022
Beautiful covers. ! Happy birthday Mr Feldstein.