The co-creator of the superhero was born 103 years ago.
If you’re reading this, chances are you love superhero comics. You have Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster to thank first for that. Because Superman.
Our 13 COVERS birthday salutes tend to focus on artists for the obvious reasons but a writer like Siegel — who was born Oct. 17, 1914 — demands similar treatment. In past years (click here, here and here), I’ve focused on his Golden Age work. But let’s not forget that Siegel, who died in 1996, returned to his greatest creation in the Silver Age.
So here we go — these 13 COVERS spotlight cover stories by Jerry Siegel:

Curt Swan pencils, Stan Kaye inks

Swan pencils, George Klein inks

Swan and Kaye

Swan and Kaye

Swan and possibly Kaye

Swan and Kaye

Swan and Kaye

Swan and Kaye

Swan and Kaye

Swan and Kaye

Swan and Kaye

Swan and Klein

Swan and Kaye
All images and credits from the super Grand Comics Database.
October 18, 2017
Excellent choice in leading off with the classic Death of Superman issue.
October 18, 2017
Those are the covers that say comics to me!
I remember being in tears at the death of Superman issue…it was the first time i realised just how powerful a story could be…
Great work by Siegel and Swan