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1. I want a soccer ball droid.
2. The Stormtroopers aren’t clones of Jango Fett anymore. And I have a hunch they are no longer “Stormtroopers.”
3. Cute girl on a land speeder.
4. J.J. Abrams couldn’t wait to give us some Millennium Falcon lens flare!
5. Oh, I felt it alright.
6. I want a three-pronged light saber.
7. It was all fiery, wasn’t it.
8. Whoever that Sith is in the woods, they’re pretty slim, aren’t they? LET THE SPECULATION BEGIN!
9. I wanted Luke.
1o. What, no “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away”?? ABRAMS, you’re doing it wrong!!
11. The effects were seamless.
12. I wanted Leia and Han.
13. Did I tell you I wanted a soccer ball droid?
November 28, 2014
The Jango clones were phases out before A NEW HOPE.
November 28, 2014
Then I’m still right! Heh.