Just for fun…
I’m not gonna make a big deal out of it or anything, but longtime fans of the original Wally West are mighty peeved at the way he’s been handled lately. Though there does appear to be hope on the horizon.
Anyway, in these parts I prefer to dwell on the positive, so I think it’s the perfect time for 13 KID FLASH COVERS TO MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD.
It also just so happens we’ve recently put the spotlight on Wally’s former Teen Titans colleagues Wonder Girl and Starfire, too. Three makes a trend!
Good luck in the future, Wally. We’ll be looking out for you.
In the meantime, let’s celebrate your past.

Carmine Infantino pencils, Murphy Anderson inks

Dick Giordano

Doc Shaner

Bruno Premiani

Nick Cardy

Mike Norton

Joe Kubert

Gary Frank

Infantino pencils, Giella inks

Sean “Cheeks” Galloway

Jim Aparo

George Perez

Phil Jimenez
— 13 WONDER GIRL COVERS Just Because She’s Awesome. Click here.
— 13 STARFIRE COVERS Just Because She’s Awesome. Click here.
Cover images and credits from the quick Grand Comics Database.
June 13, 2019
These covers are quite exhilirating to see.