Just for fun.
It’s hot and it’s summer.
Back in the day, summer meant the latest multiversal crisis that forced the Justice League of Earth-One to team up with the Justice Society of Earth-Two — and sometimes heroes from Earth-S, Earth-X and so on.
I recently mentioned how important the JLA-JSA crossovers were in a piece I put together called THE JOYS OF SUMMER: 13 GREAT COMICS MEMORIES (Click here. You’ll dig it.) Guest columnist Anthony Durso wrote about them just this week in 13 REASONS TO LOVE DC IN THE SILVER AGE. (Click here. You’ll dig it too.)
Plus, I have a nice little “Golden Age in the Bronze Age” surprise for you. (Click here.)
All in all, it seemed like a good time to do 13 COVERS starring the JLA, JSA and a coterie of guest stars.
Because it’s a kick.

Mike Sekowsky pencils, Murphy Anderson inks

Ernie Chan pencils, Frank McLaughlin inks

Nick Cardy

Sekowsky and Anderson

Dick Dillin pencils, Dick Giordano inks

Sekowsky and Anderson, with floating heads by Bernard Sachs. I love floating heads.

Neal Adams

Sekowsky and Anderson


George Perez

Chan pencils and Frank Giacoia inks

Sekowsky pencils, Joe Giella inks

Cover images and credits from the infinite Grand Comics Database.
July 14, 2018
These covers are quite infinite. ^_~
July 14, 2018
Again, back when comics were fun. Those covers are great. Especially any that showed the Golden Age Dynamic Duo!
July 14, 2018
JLA-JSA crossover was what summer was all about! I had all of those in originals at one point — including, IMHO, the worst crossover of all — the “Crisis on Earth-A” two-parter! This was the third JLA-JSA meeting. After you do the amazing “Crisis on Earth-One/Two” and then introduce the Crime Syndicate in “Crisis on Earth-Three, how do you follow it? A group of mobsters use a crooked Johnny Thunder to order the Thunderbolt to go back in time, replace them at the time of the JLAers origins and become an evil JLA! This requires the JSA to come over to new “Earth-A” to restore the timeline.
I won’t detail how many ways this story fell apart on it’s internal contradictions. I’m assuming Julie Schwartz was kidnapped when this was being put together.
July 15, 2018
But Flash’s mustache.
July 15, 2018
I loved the JLA/JSA crossovers, even though newstand distribution usually meant I missed at least one chapter.
The JLA/JSA pin-up in JLA #195 is one of the greatest pieces of art ever committed to paper in pencil and ink.
July 17, 2018
WOW that #207 Perez cover! so detailed! the poses! self-inked! he is one of the greats as proven right there.
August 9, 2021
There’s nothing better than a JLA/JSA teamup! and those covers are golden!