13 Groovy Atom (and Hawkman) Covers!

Nobody did covers like the Silver Age did covers.

Especially DC. So much fun.

So why are we celebrating the Atom and his winged buddy? Well, this is the first week I can remember in who knows how long that I could go to the comics shop and buy an Atom comic and a Hawkman comic.

It makes me no never mind if the main Atom is Ryan Choi. This is still the Atom and Hawkman.

DC’s B-List represent! I’m gonna party like it’s 1967! With 13 COVERS!

See, I love it when characters like the Atom and Hawkman are in the forefront — even if they’re just members of a team. They’re part of DC’s heritage and they should never be dormant. And back in the ’60s, they were bona fide stars.

Filmation’s Justice League!

Now why more Atom than Hawkman? Well, Atom’s just got the one-shot and so this feels a bit like more of a special event. Hawkman’s a mini that’s already on Issue #4. I’m whimsical like that.

Anyway, here goes, thanks to the fine efforts of Gil Kane, Murphy Anderson, Joe Kubert, Mike Sekowsky and Jack Adler:

Kane pencils. Anderson inks.

Kane and Anderson

Kane and Anderson

Sekowsky pencils. Anderson inks.

Kane and Anderson. I have a nifty T-shirt based on this image.




Kubert pencils. Adler inks.


Kane and Anderson


Kane and Anderson

Cover images and credits from the atomic Grand Comics Database.



Author: Dan Greenfield

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1 Comment

  1. Gil Kane was the man. His athletic dancer like anatomy and theater like dramatic poses. Greatness!

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