“I’m Batman.” Actually, he’s not. But he is Batman’s artist…
DC on Tuesday announced that in July, it will for the first time ever publish comic-book stories set in the universes of Batman ’89 and Superman ’78. Not adaptations — new stories. (Click here for all the details — including some of the characters expected to show up.)
The writer of Batman ’89 will be the movie’s screenwriter Sam Hamm and the artist will be Joe Quinones. (Superman ’78 will be by Robert Venditti and Wilfredo Torres.)

Promo art
This is lightning striking for Quinones, who a number of years ago pitched a Batman ’89 series to DC only to be turned down. But you can find the pitch online, as well as other Batman ’89-related images he’s produced over the years.
Check out these 13 GREAT ILLUSTRATIONS that give you a real sense of Quinones’ version of Tim Burton’s universe. I’m looking forward to what — and who — he has in store when the series launches. (Oh, and for 13 GREAT ILLUSTRATIONS: The SUPERMAN ’78 Art of WILFREDO TORRES, click here.):

Unlettered version of Quinones original pitch art

Billy Dee Williams as Two-Face, of course

Looks like Geena Davis was who Quinones had in mind here.

If Harley existed in that universe…

If Batgirl existed in that universe…


Marlon Wayans as Robin…
UPDATED: Quinones this afternoon posted these to Twitter, with the note, “We’ll be sharing more in the coming weeks and months, but in the meantime, here’s a look at some of my early character designs for the book”:
— SUPERMAN ’78 and BATMAN ’89 Comics Coming From DC. Click here.
— The SUPERMAN ’78/BATMAN ’89 Comic Book Index of News and Features. Click here.
February 16, 2021
Ha, I love that Bruce Wayne is in the under-armor suit from Kenner’s Dark Knight Collection action figure!
Beautiful art. I can’t wait!!!
February 16, 2021
I know, I love that! One of the all-time great action figures!
February 16, 2021
I would always thought that Christian Slater would be Dick Grayson/Robin.
February 16, 2021
I’m completely mindblown by his art style!